Well Hi!

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>>>Ummmmm... hi! 

I'm back, so yeah...


Lou: Hello!!!

Bonnie: Welcome back!!!

Misty: Why are you two doing the intro?

Bonnie: E is busy working (A/N This is true)

Lou: And she put us in charge!

Bonnie: She also left us a note!

Dear Bonnie and Lou,

I need you two to take over temporarily the next few chapters since I'm busy working. I know I could just postpone the next few chapters, but I need to keep the book running (and because I need to feel souls being tortured while I'm gone!) But anyways, have fun!!! (and don't forget to punish anybody who misbehaves >:3)

(P.S. If Misty argues with any of the dares or badmouths me, don't hesitate to lock her up in my 'Misbehaving Captives Prison')

- E

Misty: Even when she's gone it feels like she's still here 😒

Bonnie: Oh wait, there's one more thing in the letter...

**Extra Note: Oh, and Misty? I want you to know that even if I die, I'll still be alive**

Misty: O-O

Lou: Well we should go

Bonnie: Bye!!!

Lou: Bye!!!

>>>I have updated, what a shock. I've been busy researching multiple things for the next chapter of "One Day, One Region" (It takes a stupid amount of time to write a chapter in that book) I also have 500 fricking emails to read (so fun), and a dance competition next week. So yeah...


- E out

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