Chapter Seventeen, Sir Gwaine, Knight of Camelot

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Chapter Seventeen, Sir Gwaine Knight of Camelot

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Chapter Seventeen, Sir Gwaine Knight of Camelot

After a few moments Gwaine and Merlyn pulled back from their hug smiling widely at each other when there was a throat cleared behind them. Turning around they noticed Arthur and Uther standing there.
"I... Err would like to apologise for... wrongfully throwing you in the cells twice and will compensate you with an estate. You can live there or in the castle it is up to you. We will be holding the Knighting Ceremony shortly so I suggest you get cleaned up. Merlyn as..."
"She's like a sister to me." Gwaine interrupted.
"Very well." Uther sighed, barely holding back his anger. "As a sort of sibling you are required to dress appropriately." Uther said firmly, before leaving the cell.

"Father!" Arthur called after him, but Uther carried on walking causing Arthur to groan in frustration. "He was supposed to apologise to you too, Merlyn."
"Don't worry about it Arthur. Your father is not like you, so he will never apologise to a servant." Merlyn said, discreetly holding Arthur's hand which he squeezed.
"But it's wrong!" Gwaine and Arthur insisted strongly.
"It's the way it is, I've gotten used to it since I arrived here. Maybe when you're King, Arthur, you can change things and set a better example to the Nobles, but until then they will follow Uther." Merlyn said, a sad smile on her face as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Thank you Gwaine. I owe you my life, again." Arthur said, holding his hand out to Gwaine who shook his hand.

"Just look after Merlyn and never treat her and never let anyone treat her the way your father does." Gwaine said firmly.
"I promise." Arthur said, nodding his head. "You need to head to Gwen's so she can get you fitted for tonight, Gwaine."
"I'll see you later Merlyn." Gwaine said softly, giving her a hug.
"I'll go and get your things ready first Arthur." Merlyn said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he opened his mouth, and followed Gwaine out of the cell leaving Arthur there standing like a fish out of water.


Later that night Merlyn was in her room doing her hair in a waterfall crown braid like her mother had taught her when she was younger, before putting on the diamond and sapphire earrings and necklace set Arthur had discreetly bought for her. Stripping out of the nightgown she had changed into after her bath, Merlyn slipped into the royal blue dress that had a silver belt around the waist and tied in the back holding the overcoat on. Once she was done she slipped on some black flat shoes she'd borrowed from Gwen as she only had her boots and brown flats. Now that she was dressed she was feeling really nervous, she never dressed like this before and was suddenly really anxious about leaving her room.

Before she could think too much into it she heard a knock on her door and her uncle's voice calling out to her.
"Merlyn? Are you alright? We have to leave in a few moments." Gaius asked, concerned. Merlyn sighed, sucking up her courage as another knock hit the door. "Merlyn?"
"I'm coming." Merlyn answered. She took another deep calming breath and opened the door only to see Gaius's shocked, slackened face. "I look stupid don't I?" She groaned.
"No. No, Merlyn, you look beautiful, my dear girl." Gaius said, smiling at her as tears welled in his eyes.
"Really?" Merlyn asked, with an eyebrow raised.
"Of course Merlyn. I would never lie to you. Now, come, we mustn't be late." Gaius said, walking back down the steps. Once he reached the bottom he held his arm out to his niece who laughed and looped her arm through his.

When the pair reached the Hall everyone stopped what they were doing to stare in shock at Merlyn. She was beautiful before she dressed up but now; now, her beauty exceeded Lady Morgana's, something the Lady wasn't happy about, everyone noticed. In that moment Arthur wished he could go up to his love and proclaim his love to her and complement her beauty for all to hear, but unfortunately he could not. And he hated it.
"Merlyn, you look beautiful." Gwaine said, kissing her cheek in a brotherly way, causing a blush to spread across her cheeks. She wasn't used to being complimented.
"Thank you Gwaine. You look amazing. Being a Knight suits you." Merlyn replied shyly, trying to make her blush away to little success. Before anything else could be said Uther called for everyone's attention to start the ceremony.

Once everyone had taken their places with Arthur besides him and Gwaine kneeling on the steps at his feet. Gwaine said his vows to always uphold the laws of Camelot, then Uther placed the ceremonial sword on each of Gwiane's shoulders as he spoke.
"Arise Sir Gwaine, Knight of Camelot." King Uther said. The room erupted with applause, the sound reverberating off the high ceilings as Gwaine stood, sending a beaming grin in Merlyn's direction. Who had the widest smile and cheered the loudest as she watched on proudly making Gwaine laugh.
"Let the banquet commence." Uther stated, as servants brought in platters laden down with all sorts of food and numerous jugs of ale and flagons of wine. 

"Congratulations Sir Knight." Merlyn teased, once Gwaine had joined her, Gaius and Gwen.
"Thank you Milady." Gwaine teased, laughing at the fake scowl on Merlyn's face.
"I'm not a Lady."
"No, but you look gorgeous and good enough to eat." Another Knight jeered, as he walked past them wiggling his eyebrows in her direction.
"Why don't you sod off before I make you." Gwaine growled, pinning the Knight to a pillar and attracting Arthur and Sir Leon's attention.
"What's going on?" Arthur asked, as he and Leon separated the two.

"He was hitting on Merlyn!" Gwaine growled, glaring daggers at the other Knight. Arthur's blue eyes burned with fury as he clenched his hands into fists, glaring daggers at the Knight pinned to the pillar.
"Sir Edward, how much have you had?" Leon asked in disgust, his nose twitching. "I can smell the alcohol pouring off of you."

"Twenty yards." Sir Edward said, with a shrug. "Who knew Merlyn would turn out prettier than Lady Morgana. She was beautiful before but now-"
"That's enough!" Arthur ordered, anger and disgust in his tone. "I suggest you go back to your chambers and sleep it off! Tomorrow you'll be mucking out the stables as punishment, I will not tolerate such behaviour from one of my Knights! Go! Now!" Once the guards had led Sir Edward out of the Hall Arthur and Sir Leon turned towards Merlyn. "Are you alright, Merlyn?" Arthur asked.
"I'm fine. Thank you." Merlyn said gratefully to all three of them.

"Good. You do look beautiful Merlyn, in a sister way of course." Leon stuttered. Merlyn laughed at the flustered Knight.
"Thanks Leon." She said, laughing as he glared at her.
"You look so beautiful, Merlyn." Arthur whispered reverently. "Though you're still a pain." He added louder.
"And you're still a Clotpole." Merlyn teased, making them all laugh at the pair and their teasing banter.
"Merlyn, would you like to dance?" Arthur asked, as the music started.
"I'd love to, but what about your father?" Merlyn asked, casting a glance over at Uther.

"He asked you to dress up and besides he's too drunk anyway." Arthur said, shrugging his shoulders and holding out his arm.
"Then I'd love to." Merlyn agreed, a happy smile on her face as she placed her hand in his and let him lead her towards the dance floor.
"He's good for her." Gwen said happily.
"He is." Gwaine and Sir Leon agreed reluctantly, as they watched the pair laughing and dancing. "And she's changed Arthur for the better." Sir Leon added.

"I haven't seen her this happy in years." Gaius said happily, as he watched his niece twirl on the dance floor. He hoped it would stay this way but with Morgana and Morgause there was no telling what the future would hold but all he could do was hope.

 He hoped it would stay this way but with Morgana and Morgause there was no telling what the future would hold but all he could do was hope

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