The Ajudication of Inebriation

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"Blaise, if you want to live you'll have to start doing more than throwing up shield charms." Hermione cast another hex towards Seamus. Zabini blocked it, but once again stood stagnant and open instead of firing back.

Hermione shot a bruising hex, nonlethal, his way and hit him in the shoulder. He staggered back a few steps.

"You're wide open."

"Fuck off Granger," he hissed, palm coming up to caress his injury.

"When you don't cast back you interrupt the rhythm. Neither you nor your partner will be able to work together if you keep disrupting the flow."

Zabini kept his mouth shut this time, opting for a glare. Seamus stood awkwardly to the side, hand cradling an injured elbow. Hermione placed her gaze on Blaise.

"You had no trouble firing back when we dueled outside the warehouse," she said. "What's your hesitancy now?"

"I've told you, I've no interest in fighting for the Order."

"Yet here you are."

Hermione crossed her arms. Blaise dropped his eyes.

"Isn't there some type of trial period? One where I'm not immediately thrown into battle against the people I had just called comrades a few weeks ago?"

"This is war, Zabini."

"Well maybe I'm not made out for it."

"I tried that one on her already," Seamus said. "She told me that wasn't an option. Quite rudely I might add."

Blaise didn't respond, merely clenched his jaw.

It had been like this for weeks. Seamus and Blaise skirted by each other every chance they got; refusing to sit by one another, making excuses why they shouldn't duel and bickering with each other over the most trivial things. It was exhausting to watch, especially after seeing how well they functioned together on the battlefield.

Pansy appeared at her side, sweat dripping down her temples despite the gusty winds that had picked up within the last hour. The sky was grey, as if snow might start falling at any moment.

She took a swig from a pink water bottle before handing it to Hermione.

"They remind me of you and Draco."

Hermione gaped. "Should I be offended?"

"I just mean," she began, biting back a laugh, "that they're fighting their bind, just like you two."

"That's what we were supposed to do, Pansy. Our bind was meant to be surface level. If we interacted too much we would have rooted."

"Oh, and that hasn't happened?" Pansy raised her eyebrows and Hermione became particularly interested in Luna and Harry's new battle formation.

"Harry, that looks quite promising!" she called across the field.

Pansy slapped Hermione's wrist.

"Granger, I will not be ignored."

Hermione pulled back, shooting her a glare that would make Draco proud. "Seems like prissy Pansy is back in full force."

"Your words, however hurtful you intend them to be, will not distract me." She licked her lips and eyed Hermione suspiciously. "Your relationship with Draco has... shifted."

"Do you want me to continue to hate him?" Hermione asked.

"No, but I expect it's been difficult for you to accept."

Hermione dropped her gaze, choosing to look out to where Blaise and Seamus were now exchanging awkward conversation. Hermione bit back a smile.

"That does look awfully familiar."

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