Big Bad Argument

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Hermione hadn't thought about how Malfoy would react.

She hadn't considered that he would begin yelling, or that it would wake Ginny up. She hadn't envisioned him turning to the scared girl on the floor, screaming that this was her fault. She hadn't thought ahead as much as she wished, and now she was watching the scene unfold, frozen in place by the sheer strength of Malfoy's rage flowing to her.

"Isn't the whole point of this bloody bind that you'd be able to keep each other safe?"

"Did you expect me to fight off a werewolf with my bare hands? I was a bit busy blocking the killing curses that were flying at him three at a time." Ginny was on her feet, shaking off Harry's hands on her shoulders, crossing the small bathroom until she was practically nose to nose with Malfoy. It emphasized his height, but that didn't seem to deter Ginny. She was the one who had caused him to step back into a corner.

"Theo would rather be dead than this," he spat back.

" Sod off, Malfoy. " Ginny was screaming, tears falling from her eyes. She reached out and shoved Malfoy against the counter.

"What's wrong Weasley, can't handle the truth?"

"You need to get Draco out of here."

Pansy was behind her, whispering into her ear. Hermione jumped at the sensation of her warm breath against her skin.

"Yes, because you were there, listening as he screamed and felt as his terror flowed into you. Oh wait," Ginny tapped her chin and tilted her head upwards and Hermione knew things were about to get out of control. "No, you were inside of the burning building, throwing Unforgivables at Hermione and doing Tom's bidding!"

Hermione lunged the moment Malfoy's hand shot out. She snatched it and dragged him out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind them. There was a thud and a dulled scream as Ginny fought to follow them out.

Malfoy seemed resolved to his fate, following her without a fight, but she could feel the anger coming off him in waves, settling in her bones and making her muscles tremor.

She passed the third floor, ignoring her bedroom and Fred's confused glare as he stepped out of his own, limping slightly. She did not have time to deal with that right now.

She didn't stop until the roof door squeaked beneath her hand and the sunlight blinded her. The whipping autumn winds drew a shiver from her. When they were in the middle of the fighting grounds, she stopped and turned to him.

"The fuck, Granger? What's the point in being bound to you if you're just going to let me stumble in on my best mate suffering like that?"

Hermione scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. She managed to hold back from rolling her eyes. "Pardon me, Malfoy. Let me just throw that information at you carelessly next time, even though I didn't receive a single thought from you!"

"I was busy! In case you hadn't noticed, the Death Eater's were decimated last night. Those left had a lot of explaining to do."

"Brilliant, and you thought learning about Theo in the middle of all that would do what, exactly? Make you feel better? Make it easier to accept?"

He placed his hands on his hips, the epitome of a mother scolding her child. Hermione hated it. She hated every part of anything that made this conversation necessary.

"I suppose I considered you intelligent enough to know that the well being of Theo took precedence over anything else. That was a foresight on my part, Granger. Next time I'll be sure to remind myself that while you are indeed swotty, you really aren't all that bright."

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