Chapter Three

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I didn't hear, or see, or feel anything. For a moment I thought I had died, but then I was jarred awake by the slamming of ambulance doors around me. My eyes fluttered open about halfway, and there was a lady asking me if I could hear her, and if I could tell her what my name was.

"Victoria," I strained my neck to try to sit up, but immediately felt an earth shattering pain, and let out a strained yelp.

"Victoria, sweetie, can you tell me your last name? You've been in a car accident, I'm a paramedic, we're taking you to the hospital," the lady made eye contact with me, gently pushing me onto my back, putting a brace around my neck.

My vision was hazy and I felt my consciousness drifting away from me again, but I managed to force out, "Victoria Baker" before everything faded away.

I woke up to the sound of hushed voices and a beeping monitor next to me. I looked to my left, quickly realizing I couldn't turn my neck without moving my shoulders with it. I saw an IV in my left hand and an orange looking liquid dripping into it.

At the sound of my movement, the nurse in the doorway rushed over, "Lay back down, sweet girl, it's okay. You just got a little banged up that's all."

She was a young looking nurse, with a ponytail that was a light shade of brunette. I looked over towards the door, trying to see who she had been talking to, and I saw my dad standing there, still talking to a man and a woman that I couldn't see.

"Dad?" I swallowed, trying to get some moisture into my dry throat, and the nurse handed me a styrofoam cup with some water in it and a bendy straw.

My dad's head snapped towards me, and in the next instant he was sitting in the chair on my right, holding my hand.

"Hi, baby girl. How are you feeling?" he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I kept my eyes on him, despite the rustling I heard in the hallway.

"Dad I don't know how this happened," I felt tears spring up to my eyes.

"I know honey, it's okay. Ethan told me about the fight, and he was on the phone when the truck hit you. The guy driving the truck already filed a report," and in that moment the first thought in my head was Ethan.

"Is he here?" I tried to turn to look at the door again, but my dad put a hand on my shoulder.

"No sweetie, he wasn't hurt."

"Not the guy, Dad. Is Ethan here?" I looked at the door again.

"Oh, Ethan. He was here when you got here, but he was getting nervous and emotional so he went for a walk with his dad. I was just talking to Ian and Jane when you woke up," I saw Ian inch through the door at the mention of his name, and I smiled at him.

Mrs. Thorne smiled at me through the door, and my dad motioned for her to come in, but she pointed to her phone, "I need to call Sam and tell him and Ethan that you're awake."

I looked at the tv that was in front of my bed, "How long have I been here?"

Ian sat down on the edge of my bed, and only then did I notice the bright yellow cast that ran the length of my left leg, "Your accident was around six, and it's eight now."

"Oh, so I haven't been out that long," I laid back on the bed.

"No, Vic, it's eight in the morning," Ian chuckled.

Suddenly my eyebrows raised, and I looked at my dad, "You guys were here all night?" he nodded. "And who's gonna take Liam to school?"

"He's in the cafeteria with Eliana and Aaron," my dad said calmly.

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