Timeout - Eli

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I was alone with Virginia.  

Normally, with any other girl in this situation I wouldn't have been so absolutely terrified, but after that encounter in the courtyard in the rain? 

Her adorable brown eyes as they stared up at me in question just before I pulled her body close to mine and soaked in her delicious perfume that was probably drugging me sent me careening through drills, up and down the court, but my heart never pounded as hard as it did in that moment with her just a few hours before. 

Muscles aching and laden down with the force of practice, I rubbed an arm across my sweat slicked forehead and caught the eye of the girl I couldn't get off my mind ever since meeting her. 

Shuffling papers at her desk while simultaneously eyeing me considering I was the last one left in the gym shooting threes, Virginia was definitely eye fucking me.  I'd taken my shirt off after Wilt left me to continue practicing long after the team had gone back to their dorms, and the second I'd plopped it onto the floor, she had been very distracted with her work.  

She'd given up with whatever she'd been doing milling around the courts and had planted herself firmly in the desk that directly faced our court that we'd been using, and not only was it a boost to my ego, but it was the courage and reassurance that I needed that this wasn't just one sided. 

I'd felt her breath hitch while holding her close, the staccato of her racing heart that matched the pace of my own, had noticed her stuttering her words when we were a little too close, but she was right. 

We hardly knew each other. 

Well, I was going to fix that. 

"Like what you see, V?"

Her head popped up from where she'd dropped it when I caught her looking, again

"I- what?  I think you've been practicing for too long, you're getting sweat in your eyes, seeing things..." she trailed off, but I could sense her growing nervous, even from halfway across the court. 

"Yeah, that's definitely it," I teased, throwing my ball back into the rolling cart filled with the rest of them. 

"I'm going to hit the showers, you're free to join me and stare at me in there, too."

"I was not staring!"

I laughed and the sound bounced off the walls, echoing around us. 

She crossed her arms in almost defiance, and it was way too adorable for her own good. 

"Whatever you say..."

The entire shower, I spent thinking about her, and what would happen if she really did have the idea to lose her mind for thirty minutes and join me in the shower.  That would make me the absolute luckiest man in the world, then.  One minute with her was precious, but having her all to myself, in all the ways I wanted?  Forget it.  I'd be a goner. 

Hell, I probably already was one, but I wasn't complaining.  Not when it came to her. 

I emerged from the showers dressed and smelling ten times better than I had been going in, and found her counting the basketballs in the metal rolling rack, trying to seem like she was keeping herself busy, but I could tell that she was nervous. 

"So, this is what you do for your job?  Count balls?"

She jumped and squeaked out a little in surprise since she clearly hadn't heard me approaching, but she turned with a fire in her gaze that hadn't been there earlier. 

"No, I don't just count balls," she said, emphasizing the word 'balls', and suddenly her gaze travelled down the length of my body to the apex of my thighs and I just couldn't help myself.  She walked right into it, after all...

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