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Waking up in Eli's arms for the second time was surreal, but more than that, it was damn peaceful, and I was growing worried that I would soon become addicted to the moment and crave it far more than I should. 

"Good morning," he said groggily, voice coated in gravel as the sleep cleared from his throat and I would be damned if he didn't look just as enticing if not more gorgeous in the mornings than he did at any other point in the day. 

Slight stubble adorned his jaw, the shadow stretching across his face and giving him a more rugged and masculine effect to his look, while the sharp curve of his cheekbones gave way to his strong pointed jaw and pointed nose.  I couldn't tear my eyes away, especially not as the morning light caught in his irises and his father's and my mother's favorite song flew into my mind. 

Dusty green and reminding me of fields and pastures filled with verdant grass and blowing wildflowers, his eyes peered into my very soul as the weight and gravity of what we'd shared with each other the night prior finally caught up to us. 

"Good morning," I echoed, still unsure of how to act around him.  Did I give him a morning kiss?  Ask him his plans for the day like we were a couple?  Did he even want to define this, whatever the hell this was, anyway? 

His lips crested over my forehead and I could've sworn it was the butterflies in my stomach that forced the hungry groan from my abdomen, indicating to Eli that I was hungry, but I was beginning to realize that I was hungry for much, much more than food. 

A secret, devious part of me had hoped, desperately, that he would've taken things further the previous night instead of stopping before the main event, but our conversations needed to be had, otherwise the truth would've still been weighing on my chest heavier than an anvil, and the last thing I needed in Eli's presence was something else making me nervous around him, he already gave me enough jitters to last a lifetime. 

"What time are your classes?"

I was just about to answer him when I realized how bright the room was, meaning that it must've been much later in the day than I had previously thought, and that meant that Eli was missing his morning practice. 

"Shit, what time is it?"

"It's eight.  I let you sleep in, I figured you needed it after what happened last night..."

"But- you missed your practice?  Why would you do that?"

The answer was seemingly in the raised dark eyebrows, the suggestive smirk on his lips, and the sardonic twist of his features but I still needed to hear him say it. 

"Seriously?  Like I'd leave you here after everything.  I can miss one practice, it's not like I'm not in that damn gym more than anyone else on the team.  I earned a personal day."

"A personal day?  But don't you have a charity game coming up soon, too?"

He shifted so that we were sitting up against the headboard of the bed, and I still couldn't get over how comical his legs hanging off the ends of the bed looked. 

"Tomorrow, but they need me, coach wouldn't bench me for missing practice once.  Plus, I told them ahead of time I wouldn't be coming in.  It's fine."

I didn't appreciate the fact that he was missing practice, mainly because of me, but before I could protest once more, he hauled me up against his chest and suddenly we were in a very precarious position. 

I was on his lap. 

Well...this was new.  

"Um, what are you doing?"

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