|Chap. 03 Lady Rose and Stubbins|

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I walked into the room to see Dad putting sage on everything including himself and a picture of mom. “Hello?” Dad extinquished the candle flame. 

The girl looked around the room, amazed at how it looked before looking at a stickbug. “Oh, look at you. Aren't you peculiar posing as a twig?” 

“Move please! This is my hiding spot.” Facepalm. “Go away! I don’t like humans! Unless you’re my daughter with chamomile tea!” Oh, dad. 

“Are you alright down there?” she asked. 

“Yeah. I'm fine. Go on.” Dad tried to shoo her away. She didn’t seem to take the hint. 

“Doctor Dolittle?” the girl asked. 

“Yeah, right.”

“You have been summoned to Buckingham Palace by the Queen herself.” the girl said. 

“Go on.”

“You should know. She's fallen gravely ill.” not Queen Victoria. Dab Dab seemed to have the same reaction because she quacked in shock. “Do you understand what I'm saying?” 

“Do you understand what I'm saying?” snarked Dad. “Go... on. Go on and be gone! I don't care about anyone, anything, anywhere anymore. The birds will show you out.” he shooed her away now. “Great. Everything's tidy. Lunch will be served in a minute now.” 

“Smells lovely, Doc.” said Dab Dab. 

“Thanks very much.” Dad replied. 

“I’m the one that cooked it all.” I pointed out. 

“I know, sweetie. And you did such a lovely job at that.” Dad kissed my forehead and went about… whatever it was that he was doing. 

“Hey Doc, save some for us this time.” the mice told him. 

“I’ll be offering today a…” Dad looked over towards me. 

“Brocolli and Cheddar soup.” I told him. 

“You'll never believe what we caught in the net.” Yoshi, the polar bear, walked into the living room with an apple tree in his mouth. 

“The Queen has asked for you by name, sir.” the girl walked into the dining room. 

“Are you hard to hear then? I told you I'm closed for business.” Dad told her. 

“What business?” she should have crossed her arms at that. 

“Treating humans.” the boy slid through a window into the mansion. And dad rang the bell. “Intruder alert!” 

“Don't worry, I'm fine.” the boy got up to his feet. 

“Well, I'm not!” Dad replied. “My house is descended into chaos.”

“Is it yours?” Not the right question, boy. 

“I don't own anybody. Yoshi had an issue that he came to me with. He's always cold.” Dad explained to him. He's a polar bear, Dad. I think they're supposed to be used to it.

“I have an injured squirrel. I don't know what to do.” the boy told him. 

“How was he injured?” the boy mumbled his answer. “Wha-- I can't hear you.” 

“I shot him, but it was an accident.” the boy grimaced. 

“Of course! An accidental firing upon. Humans never change.” the boy opened up his satchel. I think it shows some decency that he brought the squirrel here to get fixed than cruelty. 

“He's very hurt. Please help him.” the boy placed the satchel on dad’s lap. 

“Take that. And this.” Dad handed him the oven mitten and the ladle (really he threw it at him) and brought the squirrel to his ear. 

“Yes? He's with us.” Oh thank goodness. Now, we must save this squirrel from death. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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