Chapter Eighteen

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I was staring at the red numbers above the stove as I stirred the sauce that was cooking. The guys had only been gone a couple of hours, but it felt more like a couple of days.

"Staring at the clock won't make the time move any faster." Lisa teased from the stool she sat at.

I let out a small huff before glancing away. "You're right. I just need to find something to occupy myself."

"How about a movie?" She offered. I thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"I'm down for a movie. Let me get this lasagna together and in the oven. You go ahead and go pick something." I pointer towards the living room before turning back around to the stove.

After everything was in the oven I made my way into the living room, letting out a laugh as I took in the scene before me. Lisa had apparently made herself at home. There was a thick blanket on the floor, all of the couch pillows piled up against the base of one, and a blanket thrown overtop of the one on the ground. The lights were off and the menu for The Avengers was on the tv screen.

"Let's watch hot guys kick ass." Lisa said, clapping her hands excitedly, as I sat down beside her.

Halfway through the movie she turned towards me.

"Be honest with me." She started, waiting until I made eye contact before continuing. "I know I haven't even been here a day, but the way you and Hunter look at each makes me wonder about what's keeping you from staying here?"

"Aside from the fact that I was brought here through sex trafficking kidnappers?" I deadpanned. She flinched slightly before rolling her eyes.

"Yes. Aside from that. Let's pretend that wasn't what brought you here. What else would keep you from staying?" She questioned. I stared at her for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain it.

"That is a major reason." I sighed,  rubbing a hand down my face. "Aside from that....What if this thing between Hunter and I is just a phase? What if I decided to throw caution to the wind and act spontaneous, and then a few months from now it all fell apart? I would be stuck in a new place with no one."

She stared at me for a moment before letting out a soft laugh. "First, there is no way that what y'all have going on is just a phase. Second, do you really think that, on the extremely rare chance that you all didn't work, the other guys would toss you to the side?" She questioned softly. "I've heard the way you talk about them, they care about you too."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about, giving a small shrug. "Maybe?" I said softly. "They're Hunters friends first."

"Just because they're his friends, doesn't mean they can't be yours too." She countered. "All of those issues set aside, what do you want? What does your soul want?"

"My hear-" she cut me off as I began.

"No, not your heart. I said your soul.  Or better yet, what is your gut telling you to do? Your heart is going to feel what your mind wants it to."

"I don't know Lisa, I've been back and forth for days." I groaned, rubbing a hand through my hair in frustration. 

"Ok. That's ok." She soothed. "Let's try something else. I want you to close your eyes." I glanced at her warily. "Don't give me that look, close your eyes. Good, now clear your mind of every thought." I did as she said.

"Now, what is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of happiness?" She questioned. I let a small smile slip on my face.

"Tacos." She let out a snort, shoving my shoulder.

"I should have expected that one." She laughed. "Ok, what about the second thing?" I let the smile fall off of my face as I pictured blue eyes.

I peeked an eye up at Lisa, who was already wearing a small smirk. "How cliche is it if I say Hunter?" I groaned softly, covering my face with my hands.

Her laugh rang through the room. "It is a tad cliche, but it also just proved my point."

"I know." I mumbled, swiping my hands back down my face. "But it still doesn't help ease the fears."

"Actually, I may have solutions for those fears." I glanced up at her in curiosity. "The guys are currently taking care of the scum bags we spone of earlier. I think we've established that the other guys won't abandon you if you and Hunk, I mean Hunt had a falling out." I snorted at her 'mess up'.

"And...." she began quietly. "I've been considering looking for a new place." My eyes jumped to hers.

"You're moving?" I asked, trying to keep the sadness from my voice.

"Rose, the only reason I stayed where I was so long was because I always had hope that you would come back." She explained.

"But, what about your job?" I asked, my head swimming as I tried to think of what to do next. I don't remember how much money I have. Hopefully enough to get my own place.

"I love my job, but I can find a teaching position anywhere." She said. "I think I'm just ready for somewhere new. Actually, the more I think on it, Georgia is starting to look pretty nice." She ended in a teasing tone. My head shot up before I leaned over and shoved her.

"You suck." I whined. "Why couldn't you just start with that?" She let out a laugh.

"I'm sorry." She managed between giggles. "But your face, I couldn't resist it." I playfully rolled my eyes at her before getting up and checking on the food.

The front door opened as I made it to the stove. My body froze for a minute, torn between seeing Hunter and not letting the food burn. As always, food wins.

"Ooh! Thor is my man." I heard Jackson squeal. I let out a breathy laugh as I opened the oven, leaning down to check the lasagna.

As I placed the pan on the stove, arms wrapped around my waist causing me to jump slightly. My body relaxed when the woody's smell of Hunter surrounded me. He placed a kiss on my cheek, causing a grin to form on my face.

"That looks delicious, darlin." He murmured before spinning me around and glancing at my lips. "And so do these." My cheeks warmed as he began to lean down.

"Not in my kitchen." Ace's voice interrupted, causing me jump slightly and Hunter to roll his eyes.

After dinner we all piled up on the couches to watch another movie. I sat in between Hunter and Lisa, and the guys were divided on the other couches. When the movie ended we decided on a few games of cards.

"So..." Lisa began. "The suspense is killing me. Did you all have any luck catching the swamp people?" I let out a small laugh before glancing up at Hunter for his answer.

He gave me a smile, leaning down to quickly kiss my forehead. "We found the house pretty easily and were able to get one of the guys that was chasing you the other night, Jed. Brett wasn't anywhere to be found, and neither was Jacob. We planted a couple of cameras around the property and are hoping to catch them when they come back."

I let out a small breath of relief. It might not have been all three of them, but one was definitely a start.

"Well that's a good start." Lisa decided, before glancing around at the guys. "On another note. Who wants to give me a tour around town so I can go house shopping?"

All eyes bounced between Lisa and I a few times.

"So, does that mean you're staying?" Jackson questioned, his body beginning to bounce in his seat.

I let out a soft laugh. "Yeah Pyro, it means we're staying. I still have to go back and get my things, but we thought we might give Georgia a try." Hunters hand squeezed my own as smiles filled the room and Jackson jumped from his seat.

"We should celebrate!" He exclaimed. "I'll go get the dynamite." He quickly ran from the room before anyone could respond.

"Dynamite?" Lisa questioned warily.

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