Chapter Eight

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I woke up a few hours later, grateful the ache in my body had let up. After he helped me up the stairs, gave me some pain medicine and made sure I was comfortable, Hunter left to run errands.

I glanced around the empty room for a moment before deciding to get up and head downstairs. I could hear voices coming from the kitchen once I made it to the bottom of the stairs. As I stepped inside I saw all of the guys, except Hunter. Ace was at the stove stirring something in a pot, Jackson and Jai were sitting at the kitchen bar arguing over which hair product was best, and Arthur was at the kitchen table furiously typing on a laptop. 

"Hey shortcake, good nap?" Ace asked, turning around to glance at me as he set the spoon he was holding down. I sent him a small smile as I nodded.

"Do you need any help?" I offered as I stepped towards the stove. He quickly shook his head, giving me a small smile before his eyes narrowed on my cheek.

"Can I train you?" He asked as he leaned against the counter and folded his arms across his chest. 

"Train me?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"Yeah. Nothing too extreme, just enough to maybe keep that from happening again." He said, his arms uncrossing as he motioned to my cheek.

I felt my face heat up slightly as embarrassment and shame flooded through me. "Hey now, it's nothing like that shortcake. I heard those guys were pretty big, and I don't doubt for a minute you didn't give them hell. Think of it as extra precaution." He said softly. 

"Yeah." I murmured softly, feeling gratitude replace the shame. "I would really like that." He shot me another smile before pointing towards the kitchen bar as he turned back to the stove.

I made my way over to where Jackson and Jai sat, their argument still in full swing.

"Giggles!" Jackson exclaimed with a smile, patting the empty stool beside him. "What's your favorite shampoo?" He asked once I sat down.

"Umm, I guess whatever I can afford at the time?" I questioned out, making his smile drop. He shook his head in mock disappointment before turning and continuing his argument with Jai.

I heard the front door open and felt my body perk up. I glanced at the kitchen doorway, deflating slightly when Mak came walking in. He shot me a wide smile as he made his way to the empty stool beside me. 

"Hey honey, how's that knee of yours feeling?" He asked, gesturing to my leg as he sat down. 

"It's doing better." I admitted, sending him a grateful smile. 

"That's great. If it starts giving you a hard time just let me know." He said with a slight stern expression, his lips quirking up at the sides. "Where's your shadow at?" He asked as he glanced around the kitchen, sending nods to the other guys. 

"He ran out while giggles was sleeping to run some errands. He should be getting back soon." Jackson answered. Before I had a chance to question him about it, Ace walked over and sat a plate of food in front of me. I gave him a smile before laughing as he smacked Jackson's hand away when he reached over to steal a piece. 

"Get your own asshole." Ace scolded before turning to make his own plate.

"She doesn't mind." Jackson as he slung an arm around my shoulders. "We're best friends, ain't we Rosie?" I slowly nodded my head as I stared at him curiously. He shot me a quick wink before reaching for another piece of food off of my plate. 

"She may not mind, but Hunter definitely will. If I was you, I would remove that arm before he shows up and tears it off." Jai's voice came out warningly, he shot me an amused smile as I glanced at him in confusion. 

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