6 | Bits And Pieces

138 9 10

~ Peter Hayes ~

Peter had been having weird dreams.

At first he didn't know what they meant. But he strangely felt connected to them.

Later, he realised that they were more like visions, bits and pieces of his old life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* * * * * *

"Yeah, I could. But I won't. We both know that."

Peter was beyond confused. He tried to focus on what he knew. He was talking to someone else. Someone he knew: Tobias.

"What do you want to remember? Any memories you want to keep?"

Then he realised. Memories. He didn't remember anything. Was this when he erased his memories?

A murmur.

"What?" Tobias asked.

"Nothing. Keep nothing."

He screamed inside of his head. He wanted to snatch the serum out of his dream-self's hands and punch him in the gut for being so stupid. But another part of him didn't agree. Another part of him was happy, happy that he didn't remember anything, because if he'd erased his own memories by choice... that couldn't be good.

* * * * * *

He saw the scoreboard. He wasn't first, he realised, and his gut churned, with anger. He tried, he did better than everyone, but someone had done it better than him.

That someone was Tris Prior.

Tris, Peter realised. The girl who'd died; Caleb's sister. He only got to think 'I hated her?' before he was plunged back into his dream, bvision, whatever it was called, drowning in the emotions of his past-self.

Drew and Molly glanced at him. He'd kept himself composed, and went under his bed silently, waiting for what seemed like forever. Everyone eventually slept, and he was aware of Tris glancing at him fearfully. In those moments he felt sick, sick of the plan he was making, and sick of the way he didn't mind a death on his hands. But those were just moments. Small moments did nothing to affect your life. A second of hesitation to kill wouldn't make him a good person.

Then, he noticed Al sitting up, staring into the space, his hands clenching and unclenching. Peter knew that he'd expected better. A ghost of a smile spread on his face.

With Al's help, he was going to kill Tris Prior.

Kill? He only had a second to think of how absurd that was before his brain shut down again.

* * * * * *

He was on a balcony.

Peter realised, with a jolt, that it was the same balcony he and Caleb hung out together sometimes.

Someone was next to him. And they were talking.

He didn't hear the words. Still trying to wrap his head around the sense of rightness there, both of them. It was weird; he'd never felt that way before.

Soon, conversation stopped. It was two people, standing side by side in silence, the occasional whisper in the night.

And in the way the bee was attracted to the flower, the two found themselves getting closer, until the gap was miniscule.

And the gap closed, as his lips met the other's.

It was bliss, the pure euphoria one would get when taking a drug. But this was better than that. An electric tingle, the feeling when one was in a desert, wandering lost and alone for days, and finally finding an oasis, a safe place.

And even though it had been fine alone in the desert, the realisation of how alone it really had been would wash over, like a wave.

And there was the feeling of rightness.

When he finally opened his eyes, pulling away, his eyes met with other ones. Green eyes.

His eyes shot open, and he felt a jolt like he'd been in a van that was overspeeding, and someone had suddenly slammed the brakes. But he hadn't moved.

"I'd say good morning, but it's actually afternoon."

His eyes shot to the speaker. Caleb. And for the first time, he truly realised that he had green eyes. The same green eyes.

* * * * * * 

Author's Note Below ⬇

So, um.... Sorry?

It took longer than expected... And it was way longer than a week... And the chapter isn't really any good. I swear there's gonna be a proper storyline soon, though. 

But yeah, that's it. 

At least, I got the new vocabulary for the day!


the body of words used in a particular language.

Okay I'll admit that was a lil' lazy. But what can I say, that's who I am.


*yeets self into the universe of music*

Green Eyes [Peter x Caleb: Divergent Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now