Chapter Seven

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        It was strange to be in a state of nonexistence.  I couldn’t tell if I were dead or not.   All I knew was that I was aware of my consciousness but I didn’t know where I was.  I wanted to say something but I couldn’t because I didn’t have a body.  I couldn’t look around even if I tried.  There was no sound.  I couldn’t feel anything.  So this was the end…I never thought it would happen like this.  I didn’t have the best life, but I wanted it to be longer at least.  And Victor…would I ever see him again?   I remembered how he said he couldn’t communicate with the dead.  We were doomed then.  I don’t know how long I was in this state because it felt like forever but at the same time it felt as though no time passed at all; perhaps it was because there was no time in whatever I was experiencing.  I wondered how long this would go on.  Maybe this was death.  Maybe there was no afterlife, just this state of experiencing my non-existence. 

            Just then I felt like I was choking, or drowning.  I tried to cough but I couldn’t.  There was nothing I could do.  I could feel my non-existing eyes fill with water, my ears fill with blood, and my entire body tensing up and expanding as if I were about to explode.  Finally I let out this blood-curdling scream as I felt the most pain I had ever felt in my entire life.  I heard glass shattering everywhere; I saw all of these flashes of multi-colored lights flickering violently all around me.  Then there were unearthly voices wailing and moaning and more shattering glass and thunder claps.  I covered my ears and screamed until there was nothing left.

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