and we just go in circles

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"The ones we trusted the most, pushed us far away. And there's no one road. And we should not be the same. But I'm just a ghost. And still they echo me." - Misguided Ghosts by Paramore.

The green grass of the pitch felt great underneath your bare toes. You had a ritual before games and practices that basically involved you frolicking barefoot throughout the field. Often Tobin would join you.

Today you found yourself joined by Alex. Probably because she wanted to apologize for the day before, and also because she more than likely wanted to shield you from any oncoming bereavement from your former-former teammates.

Being aware that you were on the roster and actually seeing you were two different things, and considering you had arrived so late the previous day this was the first time some of them were seeing you in a while.

The mob approached almost instantly.

A chorus of who and what and where and when and how. Alex managed to distract the mob away from you for the time being with her captain voice.

Most of the questions you'd been expecting. They were a given. The team dispersed as you began putting your gear. Alex stayed next to you, paying more attention to the field in front of her than you.

Out the corner of your eye you notice Hope walking onto the field. Ad following her like an excited puppy and Alyssa behind Ad, reserved as normal.

Hope turned her head in your direction you make eye contact. Somehow, it was the first time that morning. Alex eyes her right along with you. You notice Hope squint her eyes at Alex before turning her head swiftly.

It's then that Alex gifted you the ever allusive 'why' that you had been missing from the mass interrogation.

"Why'd you leave?"

And you're not sure if she's talking about the team or Hope.


You sat with your back against the headboard of your bed and your phone against your ear.

You conversed quietly with Mackenzie while Hope showered.

"So, who'd you get roomed with?"

Hope entered the room right as Mackenzie inquired, almost as if on que.

Your eyes widened. Partly, at the question, partly at Hope's state of....wetness.


"I said, who are you rooming with?"

"Who am I rooming with?" That caught Hope's attention. You can tell she's now intently listening to your conversation. Despite her trying to be subtle.

"Yes, babe. Are you okay? Do I need to-"

"I'm fine, Mackenzie. I'm rooming with Alex." You notice Hope seem to chuckle at your answer.

"Isn't Alex with her wife?"

"Some things got mixed up. You know how USSF is. You don't need to come or anything. I'm fine."

"Ok. Good..."

The conversation carried on much less eventful after that. You eventually convince her to hang up. Only to be met with a smirking Hope in the bed next to yours.

"Why'd you lie to her?"

"I didn't want to start anything. She hates you."

"She doesn't even know me."

You shrugged, "She thinks she does and that's enough for her."

Hope shook her head in annoyance, "You don't even know me."

She gathered a few of things before retreating out the door.

You couldn't even begin to figure out what that meant.


You knew Hope Solo.

Of course you did.

You had known her intimately for 3 entire years.

So what was she talking about.

Sure, you've changed. Sure, everyone else is under the assumption that Hope has changed. Even you are inclined to believe that in spurts.

But for her to say that you didn't know her, even if just a little bit seemed a bit much.

Of course you knew Hope Solo.

What could have possibly changed so drastically?

If you didn't know Hope, then who do you know?


"I was wondering how long it would take for you to corner me."

"Ha. Ha. What has Hope been saying about me?"

Kelley shook her head in mild amusement. In all honesty, she would have expected this happening the other way around. With Hope demanding to know what you had been saying about her. But it seemed in the five years you were apart, the roles reversed.

Kelley sighed before speaking. She already knew you wouldn't believe anything she was about to say but it was worth a try. You had asked so nicely after all.

"Surprisingly, nothing."

"I don't believe you."

Kelley wants to look into a camera like she's on the office.

"I don't know what to tell you. She talked about you once to tell me she wasn't going to bother you. That was the last time you were tge topic of any of our conversations."

Your arms fell to your sides and you sighed.

"Why do you care anyway? Aren't you mated?"

You blanched. You weren't mated but this was still probably a weird line of questioning no matter what your relationship status.

"No. Mac and I are just courting."

Kelley nodded in understanding, "May i ask why? From what I see on Instagram, it looks like you guys have been together for a while."

Your arms cross over your chest and you shake your head lightly. It wasn't for lack of trying on Mackenzie's part. You just... weren't ready yet.

"Haven't found the right time I guess." You shrugged and broke eye contact with Kelley.

"You know that's perfectly fine, right? Take your time. If she starts to get pushy just call me and I'll handle it." Kelley puffed out her chest and you chuckled lightly.

"She's almost twice your size, Kel."

"Not if i stand on stilts. Actually, it's better that I'm shorter. I'll just slip through her legs and kick her knees out."

"I don't like how much thought you're putting into this..."

"Oh don't worry. I won't hurt your girlfriend. Yet."

You blinked at Kelley. "Kell...."

"I'm kidding!"

Kelley was definitely not kidding.

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