CH.15 My Tommy

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summary: its finally the day to say goodbye... its funeral time

A/N: tell me why its funeral time made me think of its gender time LMAO. anyway enjoy and i know i popped off with the updates. i just got excited to write this chapter sheeeesh. warning this chapter is angsty af :)

The suit still managed to have the musty scent of him and the battlefield plastered on it even after it was cleaned and pressed. I unfolded the clothes neatly and began separating the peices. The jacket and the pants. The hat and the boots. I picked up the shirt first reaching for his body to try to dismantle the raggedy fabric that was torn around his torso. I slowly eventually removed the fabric and grabbed the uniform undershirt.

" eret i mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up"...

... " Guys! it's the prime path everyone any primers?"

" WAP worship and prayer"...

The shirt was on as I reached for the pants and put those on as well. God the good old memories. Why did so much have to change?

"Oh i'm sorry wilbur, here please, have a carrot and calm yourself"...

"Tubbo in a box what will he do?"..

" i love listening to music discs in minecraft. I think it's one of the most rewarding things"

I sighed trying to think of these memories as a happy thing. Like celebrating his life that he had and how good it was but it couldn't help but remind me how fucked up everything was now versus then.

I grabbed the jacket.

"Do I shoot him will, or do I aim for the skies?"

... "i have one thing you'll never ever have, the blade!"

"Wilbur, look at me, look at me. Please don't do this, you don't have to blow this all up...Wilbur, this is our home and we can take it back, man. We're not the villains."

...Do you remember the explosion tubbo.... The silence as the dust settled

You were the president then...

Name one good decision you made...

I reached for the cap before I stopped... So far the only good decision I made was trusting Tommy and making this funeral the best it could be. I mean I couldn't go back in time. Even if i could change history, even if i could rewrite it all there would be no guarantee history would repeat itself...

I grabbed the boots

" we can't go down now. We're together right? We can't lose now."

... "I'm not the hero, no-ones the hero, we have lmanburg for each other!"

"He just completely betrayed you he just completely betrayed all of us"

The cap was the last thing. Bringing back memories of the days Wilbur gave us our uniforms and sent us on our way to revolutionize and be a part of something.

"Tommy, the thing is, you're using words... but the thing about this world, Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence... and we've had that conversation. We've spoken that language in the pit. It's over, Tommy. Onto a new day. A new plot to destroy Manburg."

"I'm here for a good time, not for a long time"

"Log through the pain"

" it's never my time to die"...

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