Chapter 5 The story of the past

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No don't kill me or my parents. I will do what I please. Audery wasn't this complaining or begging. I almost don't want to kill you. Well if you don't want to kill me don't. I have to the goblin has commanded me to. Goblin. YES GOBLIN! The creature comes out of the shadows. I am the goblin king and the street and this house is ruled by us. We eat people that see us. But it has been hard to find people lately. That is why I have to eat people that the dark shadow has brought to me. Please tell me the story behind all this. I don't know if you can handle the truth. Please I can. Okay okay I'll tell you. It all started in 1888. People believed that my family was a family of witches. So one day the town people came with the mayor and the mayor said kill them I ran, but the eight other family members even a baby got slaughtered. Their skulls were removed and almost crushed. I wouldn't let it happen. I stole the skulls before they smashed them and then lined them up from smallest to biggest on the attic steps. Then locked the attic door. Then in 2000 they unlocked the door but didn't open it. Then you guys moved in. Question. Yes. Where did the dark shadow come from? He is my son. After he was killed. Also how are you sill alive after 1000 years? Oh we were witches so we would have out lived the world. Wow. But now that you know about the eight skulls you must know about the ninth.

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