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I slipped into my European accent.

"Father, I'm home."

"Ah yes, Ace. How do you feel?"

"A bit tired, actually. Two practices, one ballet lesson, and a karate tournament. But I'm ready as always."

"Good, good. Are you ready for our guests tonight?"

"Always, Father."

As Father hummed in satisfaction and tapped on his large computer screen a few times, I couldn't wait any longer.


"Yes, my dear?"

"Is Amelie doing any better?"

"Now why would you ask that? You aren't getting attached to her, are you?" Of course I am, she's my sister!

"No, of course not Father. I simply wanted to know how the experiment went on her body. It is the same one as mine, after all. Anything that happens to her can happen to me." I want to see how she is doing. She's my sister, after all.

"She's resting well, although she is still unstable. I'm looking at her statistics as we speak. You could visit her if you want." He never lets me visit her...

"Thank you, Father."

"Anytime, daughter."


I sat at Amelie's bedside, posture straight as always. But inside I was crumbling. Her aura was fragmenting and decaying before my eyes. The experiment was a fail, I could see that. No wonder Father let me see her. She was dying. These would be her last moments, bedridden with oxygen being pumped into her lungs and IV fluid pouring into her veins.

Growing up, Amelie would always love to do sports. She would drag me out to cheer camp or a doubles tennis tournament. Now I wish I had gone willingly.

As we were on our bus home, a large truck crashed into us, killing everyone else. Amelie was unconscious then, in the same state she is in now. I broke both my legs and needed a knee replacement, but our biological parents were killed on the bus with us. We were always on the poor side, so we didn't have a car. We didn't have any money. That's when Father came. He offered us a home and a place where we would never have to worry about money ever again. He repaired my legs, but replaced my knee with a metal one. But it wasn't exactly metal, it was more of a shiny liquid that only held together in the brace I always wore. In exchange for his generous hospitality, we were subjected to experimentation. Amelie has been unconscious for about 10 years now. The experiment was supposed to make her wake up, but it only made it worse.

For those ten years, I trained for the both of us. I honed my abilities as much as I could and learned as much as possible. It was all in hopes that she would wake up. Even if it was just for a day...



"There may be a way to wake her up. I would need to test it on someone similar first, though."

"I'll do it."

"Good. Uncle Yuri and Aunt Aris will be here soon."

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