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"Alright, let's begin warm-ups by doing circle stretches. Everybody give it up for Anna, she will be leading us today."

As the girls began doing their stretches, the watching group began to converse amongst themselves.

"So Sui, who was it you needed to talk to?" asked Yuna.

"I needed to talk to Momoko, but she isn't here today."

"So Rai, do you have your eye on any of these girls?" Shinwoo blatantly asked. He didn't get a response.


"Thank you Anna! Now, as I told you via our group messaging app, the top three students today will be joining me for an excursion over the weekend, all expenses paid. Details will be given after practice. We have an even number today, so pair up and practice flips, then we will move on to Sequences, then we'll start the music..."

Sui and Yuna were watching longingly as the squad got warmed up.

"The top three girls today will also be trained to become co-captains, like I once was. Now, you may be wondering why only three people are being chosen. That's because I have decided to stay for another year, so the top three today will be co-captains next season. As you all know, Momoko, the current co-captain, is graduating this year. Sui and Yuna, the other co-captains, decided to retire during the school year after the season was over. Which is why today they will be helping me choose the top three!"

The nobles hadn't noticed Sui and Yuna had gone to the changing rooms and now stood at the front of the dance studio in uniform.

"One last time?"

"One last time," they replied.

(The elimination process is similar to the video attached.) Those who didn't have experience sat on the sidelines and watched, and those who could not do the performed cheers joined them. They only got up to join when the final five needed a group to control to show leadership skills.

"And our final three are settled! Anna, Mai, Nezuko, thank you for participating. I will send you the details of everything by text. Everybody thank Sui and Yuna for helping out today, and that is it. Practice dismissed!"

As the group walked onwards to Yuna's house after going to the internet cafè, Shinwoo noticed something. "Hey, is that Ace in front of us?"

Sure enough, Ace herself was walking on the sidewalks, earphones plugged in.   She turned the corner just ahead of them. When they rounded the corner, however, she was gone.

"Maybe she just sprinted away?" suggested Ikhan.

"No, she couldn't possibly do that with her injured knee. Not that fast."

"Actually, I can," a voice nonchalantly remarked. "Why are you following me?"

"We were just walking home," tried Shinwoo.

"Are you really going to try and lie to me? We both know Yuna's house was a couple blocks behind you. Sui's is right next to hers. Rai, Regis, and Seira live in the opposite direction you are heading in."

Ace could feel their auras. Their intents. Their power. That was one of her abilities, after all. Aura manipulation. Once she has been exposed to a certain aura, she can mimick it. At first she had to be exposed to it by actually getting attacked and touching the object the aura is coming from, like the claws of Marie for instance. Now, she can mimick it just by knowing it's there. She can differentiate auras, and she was looking at the most powerful one she has ever seen coming from the black-haired student, Rai.

There were more, of course. Always watching. On rooftops, like Rael and his younger brother Rajak. Being blatantly obvious, like Karius. She knew they were watching her. Just like she was watching them. That's how she knows their addresses.

As she breezed past them, she could feel their eyes following her. Watching. Always watching.

"I'm headed off to my actual house now," she stated. "Please don't follow me this time."

House, the nobles noted. Not home.

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