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It's been about a month now since Mickey has left us and we've told Rose that the Doctor and I are dating

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It's been about a month now since Mickey has left us and we've told Rose that the Doctor and I are dating. So far, everything's been getting better, the Doctor has now asked me to be his girlfriend, which I gladly accepted, which cheered me up entirely.

It's now my birthday which is one of the greatest days of the year. Well, I think it's my birthday but it's the day that Jackie found me on her doorstep so she's declared it as my birthday so we're going to Barcelona, the planet and not the city.

"Right, so Barcelona. The planet filled with noseless dogs and winged dogs. Weirdly cute though." the Doctor says as I walk into the console room and walking over to him. "And there's the birthday girl." he says walking towards me before pecking my lips before I smile. "Hi." I say before walking over to the jump seat and sitting down. "So, we're finally going to Barcelona, are we?" I ask him, causing the Doctor to nod his head.

"Yep. You're gonna love it." he tells me, causing me to smile.

"And you know that how?" I ask him suspiciously as Rose comes to sit next to me and the Doctor stands in front of me which makes me have to look up at him. "Because, I know you, which means that I know that you will love it." he says, cupping my cheeks with his hands and bringing me into a kiss. After a few seconds, a cough makes us pull away and I turn my head to look at Rose. "Yes?" I ask her.

"Not that I don't love... this..." she says, motioning towards us. "Can we get going?" she asks making the Doctor nod his head. "Right. Well, I had already gotten us here and we were just waiting for Galaxy. So, I think that it's safe to say that since it's Galaxy's birthday. She should be the one to leave the TARDIS first." the Doctor says, making me smile before getting off the jump seat quickly, nearly falling over, and running over to the door of the TARDIS. "Well, someone's overly excited." Rose laughs.

"Well, it's not every day that I turn eighteen, is it?" I ask her quickly, turning my head to look at Rose to see her shake her head. "Well, no. No, it isn't." she denies making me smile before opening the door in front of me and stepping outside to see hundreds upon hundreds of puppies and dogs of every breed surrounding the TARDIS. I stare at them all to see some without noses and some with noses along with wings. "Well, the Doctor wasn't lying. You lot are cute." I smile, walking forwards slightly before kneeling and stroking the puppy in front of me. "And since when am I wrong?" the Doctor asks behind me, making me jump slightly and get up before quickly bringing him into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper as the Doctor wraps his arms around my waist. "Well, you're most welcome. Now, let's go and play with some dogs." he tells me, making me squeal slightly before letting go of the Doctor and turning back to the dogs but then a realisation hits me which makes me slowly turn back to face the Doctor. "Do you have anything to play with the dogs?" I ask him sweetly, making him chuckle slightly before reaching into his coat and pulling out a few tennis balls and handing one to me. "There you go." he tells me, making me smile before I quickly turn around and throwing the ball for one of the puppies to catch.


After about 3 hours in Barcelona, the planet, the Doctor, Rose and I head back into the TARDIS before the Doctor puts it into the time vortex so that we're just drifting and we're safe.

After getting changed into some black leggings, a white tank top with a black hoodie over the top of it with the necklace hanging around my neck, white fluffy socks and a pair of slippers, I make my way into the library before grabbing a book from the bookshelf and beginning to read. "I had a feeling that I'd find you here." the Doctor's voice makes me jump slightly, causing the book to slip from my hand and onto the floor, a little bit away from the chair that I was sitting on. "Careless..." I hear the Doctor mutter to me as he puts down two mugs and picks up the book before handing it back to me. "Hey. That wouldn't have happened if you didn't scare me." I point out to the Doctor as he squeezes next to me and then I cuddle up to his side. Grabbing one of the mugs from the Doctor's hand, I put down the book on the other side of me before grabbing the mug with both my hands to warm them up as it wasn't particularly warm in Barcelona. "So, how did you like your present?" he asks me, making me look up at him as I take a sip of the tea in the mug. "Best birthday present ever." I beam up at him. I lean over him to put the mug on the table next to the chair before looking up at the Doctor once more and kissing him on the lips for just a few seconds. "Well, it's not over yet. You've got about... hmmm.... seven hours left of your birthday, so... how do you wanna spend it?" he asks me, making me look up at him for a second before snuggling into the Doctor's side even more with my head resting on his chest which causes the Doctor to wrap his arm around me. "Just like this." I say, relaxing even more.

"Well, that is something I would extremely like." the Doctor says before kissing me on the head before picking up my book again, opening it and beginning to read it to me.


I hope you enjoyed these two filler chapters these past two days. Next week, I will be posting a chapter or two on The Idiot's Lantern. However, I had to do these so that it would fit in with the storyline and I wanted a few chapters in between the news at the end of the last chapter and the dramatic changing to Galaxy at the end of The Idiot's Lantern or the chapter after that, which I am not giving you the chapter title because it will give it away.

 However, I had to do these so that it would fit in with the storyline and I wanted a few chapters in between the news at the end of the last chapter and the dramatic changing to Galaxy at the end of The Idiot's Lantern or the chapter after that, ...

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