I. School Reunion

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I walk into the English classroom wearing a light blue dress, tights, heels and a light blue leather jacket along with a back on one of my shoulders. I take the bag off my shoulder, putting it onto the desk almost immediately and walking to stand in front of my desk whilst leaning against it. "Good morning class," I begin, pacing them all. "Are we sitting comfortably?" I ask them and they all sit down in their seat and face me. "Alright, class. Please get your books and equipment out of your bag and place them on your desk," I tell them and they do so. I grab from my bag and grab a handful of lined paper. I look up to count the number of people in the class before counting the paper. I hand it to the person next to the window. "Now, I want you all to take one and pass it along," I tell them before I move around to the other side of my desk, grabbing a whiteboard pen and writing on the board. Writing Challenge before turning back to face the class. "Now, I want you all to sit in silence for the next thirty minutes and write on that piece of paper that you have been given, I want you to write either a piece of descriptive writing of your happy place. It could be a field full of flowers with the person you love or your bedroom. But, if you don't want to share that information, I would like you to write part of a story with the opening line, I don't know what I am going to do. Does anyone want me to write it on the board? Show of hands?" I ask the class and about 15 people raised their hands. I turn around and write it on the board before turning back to the class to see someone with their hand up. "Uh, yes," I say pointing to the girl. "Emily. My name is Emily and you never told us your name," Emily tells me and I sigh and shake my head.

"Oh, silly me. I'm Miss Tyler. You can call me Miss, Miss Tyler, Miss T. Anything along those lines. Any other questions? No? Get on with your work then," I tell them before sitting down in my chair and all the kids begin.

About fifteen minutes later, a girl at the back of the class raises her hand and I raise my head to look at her. "Yes, um. What's your name?" I ask her.

"Lilac," she tells me and I nod my head.

"Yes, Lilac?" I ask her.

"I've finished," she tells me and I look at her unsure.

"Have you read through it and made sure it makes sense?" I ask her.


"Have you done that twice more?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Alright, bring it up here," I tell her and she gets up, walks to my desk and hands it to me and I take it from her. "Thank you. Do you have a book to read?" I ask and she nods her head. "Then go read it whilst everyone else finishes."

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