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"Hey, would you guys mind if we stop by my place for a second before we continue on to Principal Lee's? I need to drop something off."

"Sure, Yuna! Let's go through the school and exit through the back, it should be a shortcut to your place," agreed Shinwoo.

"Maybe we could pass by the tennis courts?" suggested Ikhan. "Maybe we could snag dates for Rai and Regis over the weekend..."

"Oh, that reminds me! We need to pass by the dance room, I need to talk to one of my teammates," cut in Sui.

"Sure! That sounds good to you guys, right?" Shinwoo asked the nobles as they nodded silently. "Good thing the buildings are right next to each other, or we would have been walking all around the school!" (Hehe, yup, definitely always like that. The author definitely did not move the buildings of the school around simply to fit their own purposes. Who would do that, right???)

As they passed by the tennis courts, Ikhan walked up to a girl with a clipboard. Her hair was in a scrunchie, and there was a hydroflask next to her. She was marking down scores and tips for each player while walking across the courts, each of them wearing a light blue tank with white accents tucked into a black skort, some players wearing white visors with different brands to protect their eyes from the sun. This particular girl wore no such visor, but wore a knee brace instead, with a black team jacket and black skort.

It was safe to say she was the captain of the team.

"Hey, Ace," Ikhan called as he and Shinwoo walked towards her.

"Ikhan, Shinwoo. You really shouldn't be walking on the courts during practice like this." She caught a tennis ball that was about to hit Ikhan. "What do you want?"

"Well, we were thinking if you could get a few girls from the team to join us this weekend?" He pointed to Rai and Regis too, who were watching the girls play. "Them too, if possible."

"Sorry boys, we have a game on Saturday and team bonding on Sunday. Unless you want to watch us play late into the night then go with some of us after, we're all booked." She blew her whistle loudly. "Practice is over, girls! Please pick up the balls, put them in the cart, and get home safely!"

"What about the cheer team, then?"

"I might tell you if you help me roll these carts into storage," she offered.

As Shinwoo and Ikhan were talking with Ace, the three nobles plus the two female humans were watching the practice, entranced as the ball bounced back and forth. Regis couldn't believe his eyes. This is what comes out of a human sport? He would like to try it himself someday, it seems classy. He could tell that Seira was thinking the same.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Sui asked. I would join the team, but I'm already in cheer. Plus it would interfere with my career. Why don't you join, Yuna?"

"Oh, uh I'm not good at tennis. I tend to hit the ball straight up."

"That's because you won't let me teach you," a new voice cut in. The five turned to see the Captain headed toward them, Shinwoo and Ikhan not far behind. The carts were nowhere to be seen, the two boys putting them in at record time.

"You two must be Rai and Regis. Call me Ace. I'll be arranging your dates for the weekend, thanks to a little negotiating with these two." She gestured toward Shinwoo and Ikhan. "They'll tell you what we discussed, I hope-"

"What is your name?" The question came from Rai.

"Oh, I said you could call me Ace," the person in question answered with a bit of a strained smile. Regis frowned. Did she not like the Noblesse?

"What is your name?"

"...I'm not sure I understand your question."

"You said to call you Ace. What is your real name? Just because we will call you Ace doesn't mean that it is your real name," he explained. The group was stunned. They didn't notice that before, but they did now. It was so obvious. How did they not notice it? And why won't she tell them?

"I said you can call me Ace. That should be enough." She turned and began to walk away.

Seira nodded towards Regis to use mind control. She could tell that the girl was hiding something. Regis' eyes flashed bright red, unknown to the humans around them. "Tell us your real name-"

"I refuse." Unknown to them, her eyes also flashed red. She decided to throw them a little bait. "It's not like you have access to the school records or something, not like you can expel me."

Seira made up her mind. Once they got back to Frankenstein's house, they would pore over the school records with the help of the "Special Security."

Speaking of which...

"Why greetings to you, Lady Ace," bowed Karius as he offered her a rose. "Are these students bothering you?"

"It's of no concern, Sir Karius," she laughed. "Forget that you saw me."

"As you wish, m'lady."

She walked away smirking, knowing the foolish nobles would take the bait. Even the cautious current Kertia clan leader watching from the rooftop of the Girls' Locker Room. He does realize he looks like a creep, right?

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