The First Day

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I'm writing this a little different from the movie. Though it does contain a lot of the same plot points, so just keep the film in your mind.

--Max's POV--

I can't believe our parents made us move here! I know dad got a new job and I'm happy for him, but I really don't want to be here. I miss all of my friends, especially AJ, she and I were really close. I might be able to call and talk to them from our home phone, but there's the whole time difference which I do not want to deal with. I guess I'm all alone here.

It just so happens to be Halloween right now, which is not my favorite holiday by a long shot. All the houses and stores are decorated with pumpkins, skeletons and werewolf statues and an array of other things that I just don't care about. My little sister, Danny, loves Halloween though, so I have to put up with walking her around for trick or, treating. I guess I'm really not that alone.

A couple of days ago we had moved into our new house. I got my room set up the way I want. I was able to get a few fish which is nice. Their little tank is on a table near my bed. I love tie-die so there's a lot of it in my room. I was also able to bring my drum set with me.

  I'm laying on my bed thinking about all of this when my parents call for me. Well us.

"Danny, Max Get ready for school! We leave in 30 minutes!"

"Shit." I say to myself as I get up and off my bed.

I ransack my drawers looking for something to wear. I pull out a long sleeve black shirt, a baggy tie-die long sleeve with a peace sign and a pare of sweat pants. It's a little chilly up here. I get changed and put on my new cross trainers.

   Just as I open the door about to leave my room, Danny runs by me. I can't tell what she's wearing. All I see is a flash of color before she runs down the stairs. I follow her downstairs.

   Our parents had set out cereal for breakfast. I pick up my bowl and start munching away. Danny sits in her chair and eats hers. We both soon finish and I grab my back pack off its hook on the wall.

"C'mon you two! Let's get a cute picture before your first day." Mom says happily, forcing the two of us into the picture.

  I force a smile and soon it's over. Danny and I go out the front door and into the car. Mom follows us out and gets in, starting the car. I put my bag next to me.

"You two ready?" Mom asks.

"Yeah!" Danny says happily.

"Yeah." I reply and look out the window.

"Mom?" I ask.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can I take my bike with me? It's still on the rack on the back of the car."

"Sure hon. Just be careful."

"I will be"

     After a few minutes we make it to the school. It's a couple brick buildings, nothing fancy. Mom parks the car and says good bye to us. Danny heads to her side of "campus" and I head to mine. Looks like it's gonna be a long day. I check my schedule and head to my first class. 


So I literally just get this idea today. I'm just hoping it doesn't flop. Please leave comments and vote on the chapters. 

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