What About Me?

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~ 30 Minutes Later ~

India P.O.V.

I got dressed after that nice quickie and the door bell rings Ty told me to get it so I did. When I open the door guess who was at the fucking door.....Chyna's Fake Ass. I can't stand her. " Yes?" I said with a slight attitude. "Where's Ty? We Have A Date" she said with a attitude. " Um Let Me Go Get Him" I said slamming the door in her face locking the door behind me so she wouldn't get in. " BABE!!" I yelled. " Yea?" Tyga yelled back. " Your Date Is Here" I said. He came running down the stairs in basketball shorts and shirtless god was he looking fine as hell."Thanks Bae" he said kissing me. He opened the door and Chyna jumped on him and was kissing him. I told Aiden to go upstairs and I carried Nyla up behind him and put Nyla in her room while Aiden was in his. I rushed to Ty's room I rubbed Vaseline all over me put my hair in a bun but on Ty's sweat and his last kings t shirt and ran downstairs This bitch was about to get stomped. Ty finally got up " Damn Bitch Your Big Fake Ass Nearly Broke My Fucking Penis..I Swear I Heard A Crack..It's Like She Jumped On Me And My Dick Was Like Fat Ass" tyga yelled. I wanted to Laugh but I was pissed.

Tyga P.O.V.

I wanted to laugh at my comment but that would be mean so I went to get ice for my poor TRaww. Next thing I hear is a big ass DOOSH!! And that scared the shit out of me. I jogged to the foyer and saw India's little ass beating the shit out of Chyna. So I went back to the kitchen got me some cany went back to the foyer and sat on the step and watched the fight while eat candy. India punched the shit out of Chyna. "OOOOHHH" tyga said. I'm bout to be a bad parent for what I'm about to do. " AIDEN COME HERE LIL MAN" I yelled. Aiden ran down the stairs and sat next to me and we was just eating a pond watching laughing at some bad blows. India was winning so I didn't want to stop her flow. Then we heard a crack. "BUSDRIVER" Aiden yelled and I just laughed. "What you know about that?" I asked him. "Aunt Honey should me the video " Aiden said. Then India got punched. " DAMN!!" Aiden yelled. " No bad word don't say that no more okay?" I said and he just nodded. I got up and pulled India off of Chyna and she was still swinging. " I swear on everything I live if you hit me" I said to India and she stopped swinging. Then Chyna got up yelling " What The Hell Ty..I came over for a date not a fucking fight" Chyna yelled. " Well I Didn't Want To Go And You Did That Your Self Kissing Me Like You Lost Your Damn Mind Knowing My girlfriend Was In The Same Room" I yelled back. " She's Married Get That Through Your Fucking Head She Only Wants You For The Extra The Sex and Extra Money" she yelled. " Are You Sure That's Not What You Want?" I Said Grabbing Aiden And Running Upstairs.


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