Happy Birthday Ma! Part 2

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Tyga: -walks in slamming the door- I swear she gets on my god damn nerves

Mom: -walks downstairs- what happened?

Tyga: She changed ma and I don't like the new her and I feel like a wimp right now

Mom: why a wimp?

Tyga: because I want her back and I want to cry

Mom: then cry just let it all out

Tyga: I can't not in front of Nyla - wipes a tear-

Mom: Nyla sleeping and she's two days old she don't know what's going on.....just let it out Ty

Tyga: ok but I'm warning you to back up and take Nyla with you cause when I cry from frustration and girls at the same time it gets ugly

Mom: - backs up with Nyla- just let it out

Tyga: -starts crying- why is she so cruel? -throws a flower vase-

Mom: I think we should back up more

Tyga: I HATE HER!!! - stands on the table and drops plates- BUT I LOVE HER!!! -throws a knife at the wall- WHY DOES SHE HATE ME SO MUCH THAT SHE'LL DO ME DIRTY!!!?? -flips the table- THAT BITCH WANTS TO DO ME DIRTY ILL SHOW HER DIRTY!!! -walking towards the door-

Mom: what are you doing?

Tyga: something I should have done a long time ago -walks out slamming the door and drives back to the hospital and walks to ??? Room-

???- what are you doing in here?

Tyga: show you how I feel

??- o..kay

Tyga: you did me real dirty Chris and I thought you were my boy my dawg for life my brother but no you wanted to be the guy who wanted something that belonged to me

Chris: yea so

Tyga: don't piss me off Chris -locks the door- cause I will make this your death bed

Chris: man get out of here with that -stands up and gets in tyga face- you ain't gonna do shit tigger -spits in his face-

Tyga: you know what your right -turns around to walk away- but on second thought - turns around and clocks Chris in his nose- whoops

Chris: - jumps on Ty and starts blowing punches to the face-

Tyga: -gets him off and gets up and grabs his head and walks him to the bathroom and slams his head on the sink and spits on him- thought you were the shit didn't you.....man suck this dick you ain't shit to anybody

Chris: - on the floor holding his face-

Tyga: -walks out laughing and walks to India's room- India?

India: -wipes away her tears- yes?

Tyga: why are you crying?

India: -points to the tv screen-

Tyga: -reading the news border " Miya Westbrooks and friend Keyisha Files Have Been In A Tragic Accident and Was Found Dead"- oh I'm sorry

India: why do you always say that? It's not even your fault

Tyga: maybe because I am sorry for YOUR loss and why do have to start an argument I did nothing but love you and starting shit already

India: ok I'm sorry......why are your eyes all red and puffy and your face is bloody?

Tyga: I don't want to talk about it

India: come on please

Tyga: -shakes his head-

India: please

Tyga: alright because I was angry frustrated confused and felt not loved anymore by one person I do love and your boy chris was blowing punches

India: awe I'm sure he or she will come around - hugs Ty- and why would chris do this to you

Tyga: yeah the funny thing is she doesn't realize I'm talking about her and because he took you from me and he spit in my face and I punched him in the nose and he tackled me but I got him good by the end

India: - pulls apart- is it because of me?

Tyga: nah it's my lost puppy....yes its because of you

India: I do love you dearly from the bottom of my heart and always will I'm just shocked he did this to your face

Tyga: so why didn't you give me a chance to rebuild our wall instead of have me build it myself while you held somebody else with there's and I know I don't even want to talk about it nomore

India: cause I know one day I might crash your wall down and help rebuild yours and it may be friends with benefits ok so lets put this on the table now and ok we won't

Tyga: what?

India: I've been lying to you when you kissed me at the wedding I lied when I said Chris was better in bed that was a huge ass lie

Tyga: - laughs-

India: have you lied to me?

Tyga: when I say I don't love you I'm lying when I say I don't miss you I'm lying when I walk around with other girls and be like this my babe I'm acting because India when you said you own me I took that as I will never let you go oh and when that kiss happened I didn't even know that girl she was drunk and I was telling her ass to leave but her ass wanted to get aggressive and shit and pull me on her and kiss me and that's when walked like -girls voice- having fun? - regular voice- that's when I said no I'm sorry and I let you have your big scene moment and when we got home I said a huge mistake that I was nineteen what do you expect and i was so mad at myself for saying that and when I saw you leave I was a goner I just cried and cried and cried

India: I cried to just after me and Chris's sex session then I was crying myself to sleep but I would be lying if I said I hate you and I don't miss you cause I do a lot and that will never change I swear -hugs Ty -

Chris: - walks in- babe this nigga tried to..... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?

India: -pulls away scared- were just hugging baby

Chris: well that's the last time y'all hug cause me and India moving out of this state

India and Tyga: WHAT!!!

Chris: we're moving with Nyla

Tyga: aye man you can't take my daughter away from me

Chris: trust me I will after I put your ass in jail

Tyga: nigga get out of here I did nothing to you

Chris: do you see my nose my forehead

Tyga: it's because

India: you spit on him then he got you in the nose then you tackle him and grabs you ends it somehow

Chris: -glares at India -

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