Chapter 3

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"So, what can you say me about him?"

"Mmmhh, not much. He seems to have joined a group, you know, one in which they all wear the same thing. You can't mistake, just look for someone with a long black cloak with red clouds and a ring."

The first man who spoke, a tall guy with long white hair, nodded before asking "Do you know the name of this group?"

"No, just that they're not someone to mess with."

"It doesn't matter, thanks."

The white haired man stood up leaving some money on the table of the bar for both the drinks and the information.

The place was a dark one, not somewhere people would spend their money or time if they could avoid it; but also where, buying a drink for someone, you can have loads of info.

The tall man knew this quite well, and in the last years had made sure to make as many friends as he could out of the people who frequented those places. The result was that now he had one of the best spy network of all the elemental countries.

He turned and was about to leave when the other man remembered something

"You know, I've also heard something about your other teammate, and it isn't about her gambling."

This was new. As far as he remembered she hadn't done anything else since she decided to leave the village.

He just hoped it wasn't something dangerous for the Leaf.

"What did you heard?"

"Well, it seems you're not just a loud mouth with women after all. Rumor is that she wants to see you."

He blinked. This wasn't new, this was surreal. "Where?"

Tsunade eyed her cards carefully. Two sevens, a nine, a queen, and a king.

She kept the sevens and changed the other three. Another seven, a eight and a ten.

She glanced at the other player ''What do you have this time?'' she wondered.

She showed her cards with a smirk "So, what do you say gaki?"

Naruto was looking at her cards while trying not to drop his, which wasn't an easy task given how big they were compared to his hands.

Finally he shuddered and showed his cards. An ace, a second ace, a third ace, a king, and another ace.

"WHAT THE HELL? How did you manage to do THAT?"

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune said sternly coming from the kitchen

"It's bad enough that you taught him to play poker, at least don't swear in front of him!"

"But look, LOOK AT HIS CARDS! He must have a bloodline to do that! And it's the third time in five hands!"

"Well, he's just very lucky. And I think he's very tired too right now, aren't you Naru-chan?"

He answered yawning loudly and rubbing his eyes.

After all he was just a two years old child, and he needed some sleep in the afternoon.

It was amazing how he was so curious and sneaking at times and extremely lazy on others.

Shizune picked him up and brought him in his bed.

He rolled over and reached for his sponge that was on his bedside table.

The only other thing on it were the dark goggles Tsunade gave him almost a month ago.

Naruto always wore them unless he was sure that there were just the three of them around.

Shizune went back in the living room of the house they were currently living in.

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