Chapter 3

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I looked in front of me to see the grey leaf on the field. It was the same one from before, mocking me for breaking down like before. I stared at the leaf until suddenly it shattered like glass. The pieces spread no farther than 3 feet apart. I took a step back in surprise but my gaze was focused on the leaf. The shards landed on the ground in about nine individual pieces. They hit the ground and then started to turn into seeds. They buried themselves into the ground kicking up sand and rocks.

I took a step forward to inspect the holes, I found it quite strange that the leaf just suddenly shattered, but I had idea what might be causing it. What seemed to be vines sprung out of the holes. They were brown vines with dark green needle-like spikes all over it.

The vines started shooting straight up in the air and intertwining with each other. With the movement of all nine enormous vines they created a big breeze. My short black hair was waving in all directions and my clothes were rustling from the wind.

I went in a defense position, having my body sideways and my head facing the vines. I had my hands in front of me forming fists to protect my face. My eyes were squinted, still staring at the vines. The vines started to wrap themselves into a ball and lowered themselves towards the ground.

I stayed in my position for about 30 seconds, until the vines started to collapse within themselves. It was like watching someone grab a can and apply pressure all over the can slowly.

I looked around me to see how the other trees were affected. To my surprise, they had the same vines but smaller wrapped around the roots and trunk of the trees, and there were also water droplets on the ends of the needles of vines. The droplets didn't look like drinkable water, it looked filthy, almost toxic water.

I looked back in front of me to the vines they started to fall, almost blooming like a poisonous, hideous flower. The vines fell to the ground with a thud all surrounding one circular point, where a girl and boy stood. I turned my body to face them and laid my hands to my side.

I started analyzing the girl and boy and then their soul powers, I immediately recognized them and I remember what jerks they were. They are both older than me by about three years, and in the same grade as my older sister.

Amarantha is the girl's name, she has long honey ombre hair hair. She had a dark tan skin tone, and violet eyes. You're probably wondering why she has violet eyes, it has something to do with her powers. Everything will be explained, relax. She was wearing a lime green cold shoulder top with the end of the sleeves being white. She also wore a dark grey skirt almost black, that reached just above her knees, on her feet were brown leather boots matching the complexion of her skin.

I looked up at her hair and saw a little dark green leaf hair clip. I had two sisters, one that always wanted me to help her pick clothes out, so I learned a thing or two. I looked next to her to see Adrian.

Adrian wore an orange short sleeve shirt, grey sweatpants, and orange and white slip on running shoes. He had dirty-blonde hair, navy blue eyes, pale skin tone, and an irritated face to go along with all of it. They both were demons and had an understanding of their soul powers.

A soul power is basically a super power that is based on your soul, yes it is self explanatory. Most people now believe it is based on how you act as a child before you get your wings, ears, or tail, and power. If you're bad you're a demon and if you're good you're an angel, and guess what. This couldn't be more wrong.

Both sides have done their fair share of bad and good, and yet none of them learn so they fight, it's typical. Besides that, there is a religion that everyone believed in, for you that might be hard to believe but yes we all at one time believed in one thing. The religion called SAV was the belief of three gods, Aila, Sage, and Valen. They were the ones that based on your passions would design a power for you to have as your soul power.

No one knows how they do it but you can't know everything. Your powers and whether you're an angel, demon, werewolf, werecat and etc, are all revealed in a moment, it doesn't have to be traumatic. It just has to mean a lot to the person in a good or bad way.

The emotion you feel in the moment is later commonly used to activate your power, it gets easier the more you use it. It'll all make sense soon, since I haven't gotten my soul power yet, it is a bit harder to explain, but I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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