Chapter 2

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                                                                                     Chapter 2

"Alright, I'm here" I yelled. My voice echoed throughout the sand filled battleground.

"Come on, I don't have all day" I waited, but was met with silence. Annoyed, I started looking around.

I was standing on a sand field, it looked to be half a mile in length. On the outskirts of the field were trees, they were tall with skinny trunks, light green leaves, and white flowers dotted all over the trees. At the end of the field was an enormous tree. this tree isn't one to grow tall but wide, a thick trunk accompanied by a big canopy and long vines hanging from the branches.

Noticing how quiet it was, I looked down at the sandy rocky terrain in front of me. I sighed, bringing my hands to the back of my head and intertwined my fingers. I looked above me to see the sun glaring down at me, since it was past noon the light blue sky itself had some clouds woven into it but there were spots that were still visible.

A cool breeze swept by carrying some leaves with it. The breeze got a bit stronger and started kicking up sand and rocks from the field. I took a step leaving my feet side by side and put my hands in the pockets of my grey sweatpants.

Something in the breeze caught my eye, it was a little leaf. It was different though, instead of a light green it was, ...grey?

None of the trees had any leaves like that, and even if the leaves were dying they wouldn't turn any shade of grey. What was even stranger was that it was the only leaf colored grey. It was one leaf, twisting, tumbling, and turning in the breeze.

The scent of smoke clouded my nose, my vision became blurry, and my eyes began to water. I felt emptiness loom over me, like a dark cloud shunning all the light that could make them go away, making the person covered by them see nothing but the darkness that they brought within them.

Then I could see it. I could see the flames burning everything in their path, I could hear the breeze singing as she lay cold still on the ground. Dead. I just stood still, barely able to breath. I clenched my fist to my chest as I snapped back in reality, feeling every thud inside my chest from my heart pumping blood throughout my body.

I felt a cold liquid stream down my face, they were tears, I realized I was crying.

"No, no, no, not again" is all I could think of at the moment. The tears slid down the side of my face and fell to the sand covered field. More tears followed, I looked down at them catching my breath. I closed my eyes to try and relax, I still had remnants of the feeling hovering around me. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up.

I brought my hands from my side and held them in front of me, I looked at the pale beige bandages wrapped around my hands, wrists, and forearms. They were stained with light smears of green and red, barely visible. These bandages are especially made for me, I should know because I made them with someone's help. They don't do anything special, they just look cool, help when I train by myself, and they just mean alot to me.

I started rolling down my white rolled up sleeves, and wiped the tears of my face. I looked down at the sleeves and saw light red smeared and dotted on them. I rolled my sleeves back up, while taking in the atmosphere. It felt empty, not like before that it was peaceful, it felt similar to that same late afternoon. Cold and empty.

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