Chapter Twenty-Three: Fainting Spell

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Aoife fanned herself as she looked around her classroom, she had no idea why it was so warm in there today; she took a deep breath, she had put on a little bit of weight in the past two weeks and she couldn’t understand it.

Aoife had put on a pale blue 3/4 sleeve jersey top and black skinny jeans paired with brown western ankle boots, it was starting to get warmer and she was sure that they were going to have a nice summer.

Marco was already promising to whisk her away on a nice holiday when the season was over and the school year down; he wanted to relax and with only a couple of international friendlies he could do that this year.

“Mrs Reus are you okay?” Abigail asked staring up at her teacher, she could see that something was wrong with her teacher and she was hoping that everything was okay.

Aoife blinked looking at the little girl, she was surprised that Abigail had noticed since she was feeling a bit off; she brushed some hair from her face and smiled crouching down a bit to face Abigail.

“I’m fine thank you Abigail… just a bit warm,” Aoife reassured smiling, she heard the classroom door open and close as she got back to her feet and gently ushered the little girl towards the door since it was break time.

Abigail looked at Aoife not quite believing her teacher, she could see that it was more than that but she didn’t say anything; instead she moved to get her coat so that she could go outside and play.

“Come on Rugrats out to play,” Tala Winter called stepping into the classroom, she clapped her hands moving the children out of Aoife’s class room and into the playground; she was the teaching assistant that Aoife had been given by the school last month.

Aoife made sure that all the children were outside before she took a deep breath glad for a break, she had started to have ringing in her ears and she felt a little lightheaded.

“Are you feeling okay?” Tala asked concerned looking at Aoife worried, the brunette looked a bit peaky and she hoped that it wasn’t anything serious; she liked Aoife and was becoming close friends with her.

Aoife nodded her head, she closed her eyes wanting the dizziness to go away and took a deep breath; she counted to ten hoping that taking several deep breathes would shake away the dizziness that now controlled her.

“Aoife?” Tala asked concerned, she had no idea what to do and she hurried over to her friend as Aoife started to sway; she placed her hands on Aoife’s shoulders just in time to catch the brunette before she dropped into a faint.

Tala carefully lowered Aoife to the floor before she pulled out her mobile and started to call for an ambulance; she was glad that the children were outside so that they didn’t have to see this.

“My friend… she collapsed, I need an ambulance to Brücherhof Grundschule,” Tala said panicking, she had no idea what was going on but she knew that she had to act quickly because the children couldn’t see their teacher like this.

Tala quickly gave off more details, she then got to her feet and moved to the door knowing that she needed help; she couldn’t let the children see any of this since it would scare them.

“Help,” Tala called having no other ideas, she didn’t have much time since the break was only fifteen minutes long and the ambulance wouldn’t be there for another twenty minutes.

Aoife was one of Tala’s close friends and she didn’t know what she would do if something was seriously wrong with her; she had to call Marco and let him know what had happened to his wife, he had a right to know before the press found out.


Marco ran his fingers through his hair while he waited for the doctor to come back with the test results, he wanted to know why his wife had collapsed while at work; he knew she hadn’t been well the past few weeks and he hoped it wasn’t serious.

Sitting by Aoife’s hospital bed waiting for his wife to wake up, he had been at training when the call had come in from her teaching assistant that she had fainted.

Marco blinked hearing Aoife groan, he sighed in relief as he realised that she was starting to wake up, he took her hand and pressed a kiss to it knowing that she was going to be okay no matter what happened.

“You’re okay,” Marco whispered relieved as Aoife opened her eyes, she had been out for a couple of hours now and he was glad that she had woken up; he had been concerned that something was seriously wrong.

Aoife blinked confused as she realised that she was no longer in her classroom, she looked around for a moment before her eyes landed on Marco; he leant forward to kiss her relieved that she was okay.

“What happened?” Aoife croaked confused, her throat was dry and she couldn’t recall how she had ended up in a hospital bed; she laced her fingers with Marco’s wondering what was going on.

Marco kissed her gently, he had no idea what was going on with the results that the doctor was going; he wanted to be sure that nothing serious was wrong with Aoife.

“You fainted while at work,” Marco replied gently, he brushed his fingers against her cheek and wanting nothing more than to take her home; he knew that the press were lingering outside of the hospital.

Marco pulled back as the doctor returned, he wanted answers and he didn’t want to waste any more time; he needed to hear that Aoife was going to be okay.

“It’s nice to see you awake Mrs Reus,” the doctor greeted holding his clipboard, he smiled pleased to see that his patient was now awake; he had good news for the couple and he hoped that they would be pleased to hear the news.

Aoife peeked at the doctor, she was still a little confused about what had happened but she hoped that it wasn’t anything serious; she could only imagine how confused her students were.

“Is everything okay?” Marco asked concerned, he knew that a lot of tests had been done before he had arrived and he wanted to know what was wrong with Aoife.

It wasn’t like her to faint like that and Marco wanted to take Aoife home as soon as possible, he didn’t like the idea of people hovering outside for them.

“Everything is fine Mr Reus… you’re wife and baby are perfectly fine,” the doctor said smiling at the couple, it had only been a drop in her blood pressure it wasn’t serious and could easily be managed.

Marco and Aoife stared at the doctor, neither of them sure that they had heard him right about baby; they wondered what was going on, they were sure that they would have known if they were having a baby.

“I’m pregnant?” Aoife whispered shocked, she gently brushed a hand against her stomach, she hadn’t realised that she was pregnant; she hadn’t had any of the natural signs of being pregnant.

“You didn’t know,” the doctor said surprised looking at Aoife, it would be a good reason for her not having the right care while she was in this stage of her pregnancy.

Marco opened and closed his mouth, shock filling him at the news that Aoife was carrying his baby; he couldn’t believe that this was happening right now and so soon.

“You’re about sixteen weeks Mrs Reus,” the doctor confirmed smiling checking his notes, he would have to get Aoife checked out by a midwife since the pregnancy was so far gone and without any proper checks.

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