Chapter Nineteen: Relaxing Times

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Aoife stretched out on her sun lounger enjoying the sun, it had been a week since they had arrived in Thailand for their honeymoon and so far the couple hadn’t been bothered by anyone.

There hadn’t been any pictures of the couple appearing in any media outlet and Aoife was a little revealed especially since Marco’s agent had announced that the couple had married just after Christmas.

Aoife peeked at Marco who was on his phone and pacing about, things had been so perfect and she was going to miss being in Thailand when they had to return to Dortmund; it wasn’t something that she was looking forward to.

“Everything okay?” Aoife asked setting down her book and watching her husband when he came off the phone, she smiled at him hoping that there was nothing wrong; she could only imagine what was going on back home right now.

Marco nodded his head and sat down on Aoife’s sun lounger, he wasn’t pleased to hear that a magazine had published pictures of them on their honeymoon; he hadn’t thought that anyone would found them.

“Perfect,” Marco murmured ducking down to kiss Aoife, she looked beautiful in just her navy paisley print bandeau bikini top and bikini bottoms; he just hoped that they weren’t going to be disturbed on the last week of their honeymoon.

Aoife brushed her fingers through Marco’s hair, she didn’t believe him for a moment and she guessed that a paparazzi had managed to get some pictures of them; they hadn’t been exactly private since they had gotten to their hotel.

“How bad are the pictures?” Aoife asked watching Marco’s face, she wasn’t sure how she really felt about someone taking pictures of them but there was little that they could do about it; it wasn’t like they had done something indecent that people were going to see.

Marco smiled at Aoife, he was glad that she didn’t seem to upset about the idea of people looking at pictures of them; Belle had never liked the idea especially when they had been on holiday together.

“Just a couple of us kissing and messing about,” Marco reassured, he was doing his best to keep Aoife safe and he had his agent keeping an eye on the social media side of things; people were bond to say things and he didn’t want Aoife being upset.

“Just curious… do you have twitter, facebook or anything like that?” Marco asked leaning to lay next to his wife on the sun lounger; he wasn’t sure how he would keep her safe if people started to target her completely.

Aoife continued to run her fingers through Marco’s hair, she watched him knowing that she had never felt like this before; in the six weeks that she had been with him everything seemed so perfect.

“I used to… I deleted my twitter and facebook after we got engaged,” Aoife admitted recalling how nervous she had been, she hadn’t wanted to have people snapping at her because of her engagement to Marco and their odd relationship.

Marco nodded his head, his hands moved to draw the brunette close as he closed his eyes contently; he didn’t want to think about what was going on back in Germany.

“You know… I don’t like people touching my hair,” Marco mused opening one eye to peek at Aoife, she paused her fingers as she continued to run her fingers through his hair; his lips quirked amused at the fact that she had stopped.

Aoife blinked slowly looking at Marco, she hadn’t known that at all and she felt bad that she kept doing so; she opened her mouth to apologise and slowly started to pull her fingers gently from the blonde locks that sat on top of his head in a mess style.

“I like it when you do it,” Marco murmured stopping Aoife, he kissed her hand watching her face closely; he hadn’t even liked it when Belle had tried to run her fingers through his hair, it was all so different now with Aoife.

Marco ducked in cheekily to kiss Aoife’s lips, he was happy that he had married this sister; they were a lot better suited and he doubted that he would have ever been this happy if things had gone the other way.

Aoife rolled her eyes and pulled away from Marco, she honestly had no idea what to do with him sometimes but she knew that she wouldn’t change him for the world.

“You’re being cute again,” Aoife breathed brushing some hair from her face, she was so surprised when Marco had moments like this; it was nice and she had never expected it to come from someone like him.

Marco snorted amused but nodded his head, he leaned back on the sun lounger just watching his wife; she was beautiful and he didn’t care what anyone thought about their relationship.

“Would you like me to stop?” Marco asked grinning at her causing Aoife to blush, he had no idea why she was so easy to embarrass but he loved it when he made her blush.

His fingers gently moved to lace with hers, he was relaxed and he hoped that they would be able to have more moments like this; they were going to be so busy at the end of the month with Bundesliga starting back up and Aoife would be starting her new job.

“Not at all,” Aoife whispered kissing Marco, she felt like she could be her around him and that was all that she wanted; she smiled into the kiss as Marco held her close to him.

Marco deepened the kiss, he felt so lucky and he hoped that it would stay that way; he wanted a new contract for Dortmund and he was still hoping that Belle’s baby wasn’t his.


Belle stared down at the magazine in front of her, she hadn’t been expecting to see her sister on the front cover of anything but it hurt seeing Aoife so happy with Marco; she couldn’t believe the footballer had taken Aoife to Thailand.

Belle sipped on her decaf coffee, she was weeks pregnant and things were going so well; she just hoped that Marco was going to be supportive until they found out who the father was.

Shaking her head, Belle sighed as she continued to look at the pictures of her sister’s honeymoon and trying to swallow the jealously that bubbled inside of her.

It might have been her that had walked away from Marco but that didn’t mean that she wanted him to be happy with her sister; it was like the three years that she had been with Marco hadn’t mattered to him at all.

“I’m making lunch, do you want any?” David asked popping his head into the living room, he was getting bored of Belle’s sulking at the fact that Aoife had married Marco; it made him wonder if Belle had feelings for the ex-fiancé that she had jilted for him.

Belle shook her head, she wasn’t hungry and she wanted to look at a couple more of Aoife’s honeymoon pictures; she frowned at the smile on Marco’s face, he had never looked that happy with her.

David sighed and shook his head, he walked back into the kitchen fearing for his relationship; Marco might have been married to Aoife but Belle clearly wasn’t moving on.

Belle meant so much to David and he had been thrilled when she had called him to tell him that she was leaving Marco but now he wondered if maybe Belle was regretting her choose.

Lindsey had also noticed that Belle was far too interested in Aoife’s marriage to Marco, she had tried to speak with Belle about it but the brunette kept shutting her down.

Whatever was going on with his girlfriend, David hoped that she wasn’t going to make things worse than they were.

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