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"Drop your hips a bit more (y/n)" Noya said, helping me with receives, he's a really good teacher! They all are! It's been about 2 weeks that Iv been on the team and I'm learning really fast! Asahi and Tanaka have already declared me a super threat in spiking! And Tsuki has been helping me with learning blocks (although he isn't a great teacher)! Kageyama has been working with me on my jump serve and has taught me the basics of setting but with him and suga around there's really no reason for me to learn it! I'm still a beginner but everyone says I'm learning quick!
Iv gotten pretty close with the guys over the past two weeks! I hang out a lot with Tsuki and Yams since there in my classes and I find there dynamic super fun! And Suga has already become like a big brother to me! They've all been really awesome about making sure I'm comfortable with everything, I just started using there locker room today cause I finally felt comfortable enough with them!

Practicing has become like my life! Even when I'm not with the team I'm doing whatever I can on my own! I want to make them proud, I know me being on the team must have taken a lot of convincing and I know it's going to be hard on them so I want them to know they didn't make a mistake taking a risk on me!
"Ok it's getting late! Let's all clean up and get out of here!" Daichi yelled, I hadn't even realized how dark it was! I was so focused on working with Noya on my receives.
"Good job today (Y/N)! In no time your gunna be game ready!" Noya said jumping around
"Oh I don't know, Iv just started!"
"Oh come on kid! Your picking up so fast! Although I would give some credit to your senpais for teaching you!" Tanaka said wrapping an arm around me and smiling like an idiot.
"Yeah yeah! My wonderful Senpais, who thought me everything."
"Exactly what you say when you make it big!" Tanaka laughed
"Oh but don't forget to put emphasis on us!"  Noya added
"Yeah! Yeah! Add on especially Tanaka and Noya!"
"The best senpais ever!"
"Thanks it that's the perfect speech!" Tanaka announced "you should write that down, wouldn't wanna forget it!"
I just laugh at them moving to help clean everything up.

After we clean up and change everyone's walking to there houses panning yo stop for mean buns that the third years said they'd buy for everyone. The more excitable ones walking ahead with most of the (more responsible) second years walking with them. Me Tsuki Yams and the third years walking behind.
"Hey (Y/N) I was wondering what the things you wear on your chest is?" Suga asks kinda suddenly.
" oh um it's called a binder, it helps flatten my chest!"
"Oh I didn't know they had something for that! That's super cool!" Suga's always been interested in my gender identity, asking questions and such! He's always super respectful about it too, just wanting to understand my situation.
"I'm sorry about all the questions Iv been meaning to do some research on my own but classes have been killing me." Suga laughs!
"Oh no it's all good don't worry about it."
"Are we supposed to be doing research!" Asahi asked nervously.
"No no! You really don't have to! Really!"
"Just make sure you tell us if we do anything wrong (Y/N)" Daichi asks like the good leader he is
" I will! I promise!" I say reassuring both of them that they don't have to be nervous.
Tsuki moved his arm around my shoulders
"He's to scared to correct anyone, lucky he's got me to call them out." Tsuki says passively walking faster making me and yams catch up to him
"You and your stupid long legs!" I say basically jogging to keep up with him, and he slows down so I can keep up.
And we keep waking and talking, mostly about class and planing day to study together fun an upcoming test like we've been doing since I joined the team and became friends with them.

The next day before I get to the gym Sugas standing outside stopping me.
"What's up Suga?"
"Can I talk to you about something real quick."
"Sure what is it, is something wrong?"
"No, no! Well I mean, I did some research last night. And I remembered you told me that you wear a binder, so I looked it up! But I um well I found out that your only supposed to wear it for 8 hours and your not supposed to work out in it, and we'll if you put it on before school and then don't take it off during practice, your breaking both of those."
"I-I don't know Suga, I don't like not wearing it."
"I know you don't like not wearing it but you can overwear it either, it's not safe!"
"I agree" a voice says from behind me, I turn to see Tsuki looking at me disapprovingly.
"I don't know what to tell you guys, I'm not going to stop wearing it!"
"Why don't we get you some binding tape for sports and see if you like it. You don't even have to send it to your house if you don't want your parents seeing it, we can send it to mine if you need." Tsuki says seemingly having thought this out already.
"I don't know"
"I know it's hard, but it's unhealthy to overwear."
"Ok" I say looking down.
"Take it off before practice, you can wear one of my shirts, it'll be bigger on you." Tsuki says walking into the gym.
"I know it's hard (Y/N), well I don't know, I could never understand."
"Thank you Suga."
"Oh it's really no problem." Suga says putting his hand on his neck laughing nervously.
We both head inside seeing that Tsuki put one of his extra shirts in my locker to change into.

We get to practice a bit late but Daichi doesn't say anything, giving Suga a look, I assume they talked about this before.
While we're practicing (Noya still working with me on receives) takeda suddenly rushed into the room seeming super excited about something. Everyone stoped.
"We've been invited to a training camp!"

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