Change of plans <3

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We can come pick you up if you're ready?

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We can come pick you up if
you're ready?

Actually I just woke up

Girl 😳

I'm sorryyyyy 
I'll definitely be ready in an hour

We're on a really tight schedule

55 minutes I promise

I can't guarantee we'll be able to
pick you up

You know what don't worry
about me I'll come another time

But we promised we'd show you around

The city isn't running away bae
we can go another day

Oh ok
I'm sorry again
Text later?

Angel didn't even reply I hope she's not pissed. I was so excited for today Valerie really wanted to meet her too. What makes it worse is I won't get the opportunity to go out again, today is one of the rare days that my mum isn't working early. I slam my skateboard on the floor step on, and glide as slow as possible. I can't stop thinking about Angel I'd met her literally 24 hours ago but the thought of her won't leave my head I think it's the fact that she's kind of a mystery.


"Where's your girlfriend?" Diamond says with a confused face

"Desi oh my God did she stand you up?"

"Actually Angel didn't stand US up but she did cancel politely"

"Us? She's your date"

"Correction, was" Valeria adds laughing

"Date? Guys I just wanted to show her around"

"You know what if that's what you need to keep telling yourself I won't stop you"

"Shut your fucking mouth"

"Destiny has a little crush"

"Destiny's blushing" Diamond says mockingly placing her hand on her forehead

"Destiny wants to fuck Angel"

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