Chapter Two

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Hi All.

I promised a casting for Parker this chapter and I've chosen Alexander Ludwig, I believe he would be superbly suited as our angel of life friend. But here's the new chapter and a picture of Parker on the side.

                               LuckyUnluckyGirl13 xx

Morning comes with an unwanted Lela Morgan history revision, a coffee hogging Parker and two bags waiting by the door. Standing in the double door entrance to the bedroom, I lean on the single unopened door, my hand resting on my abdomen as my stomach rumbles.

We weren’t setting foot in Blood Born territory thankfully, not yet, not for another week but the proximity to it would identify me as a potential rogue, and any rogue in this day and age can be eliminated by coming within a miles radius of a territory line, well maybe not any rogue.

Meaning the ass, I mean Alpha will want to speak to us, to assess our threat level.

The sound of coffee being poured pulls me from my thoughts, the grating of ceramic mug over granite bench tops making my ears cringe. “Drink it,” Parker grumbles turning away from his own, the bags under his eyes even darker than before. “Do you ever sleep?” I snap walking into the kitchen, messing up my bed hair.

“No I’m too busy counting sheep, of course I fucking well sleep,” I raise my eyebrows at him and his eyes drop back to his unfinished cup of Joe sheepishly, “just not very often.”  I rub my left eye as I lift my mug with the other. “So Mr Sleep-Deprived what’s the plan?” Leaning with his elbows on the kitchen counter, he smirks, his eyes so suddenly awake and lively. “Sorry darling, telling you isn’t part of it.”

Huffing I drag myself to the window throwing back the curtains to look over the city’s morning one last time before we leave yet another destination behind. I can’t see the sun over the rising buildings though, only the glare they give like second hand sun beams. It’s times like these where I wish for home, to be able to see the horizon with no end in sight. That’s how I must have felt back then when it all started. That there would be no end to the happily ever after. Obviously I needed glasses back then how stupid I was to not see the end so close. But then love’s like that, like wearing a blindfold when it’s already dark.

“Faith? Hello? Anyone home?” Spinning on my heel, I take in Parker’s annoyed features. That boy could go ten rounds with a hippopotamus and still look good, unfairly defying the rules of the universe.

“Sorry, did you say something?” I ask with an overly innocent smile, he replies with grumbles of something into his coffee cup with an aggressive scowl.

Morning, is something I somewhat succeed in dragging out but then again Parker did succeed in packing everything I own and having strangers move it to our new apartment just outside the pack’s territory. Meaning its go now or be stuck for a week without clean clothes. Ew.

The drive to the airport is silent, the only sounds being the wheels on the road and the occasional honk of the horn. Unfortunately an awkward quiet drive is followed by a slow, quiet and awkward flight to my personal hell.

Parker being the ass he is, used his first words spoken to me as instructions before completely ditching after dropping me off at my hotel, the instructions being, ‘don’t leave this room. Don’t talk to anyone. Don’t see anyone. And don’t go hunting.’ considering the last three, including the big no hunting rule all violate the first one, I’m sure Parker could have saved his breath. I’ll drive myself crazy in here. Even when I was Lela I never could last in my own room for an hour without talking to others, phone or face to face. And since Parker is literally the only person who consistently talks to me I’m a little impartial to his rules. Even with Blood Born territory only a hundred metres east away from my hotel I can’t help but let my hair down and rules have done to them what is meant to be.

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