Ch. 5 "An Innocent man"

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                                                         Kaden POV 

John sat up weakly 

"Oliver? Kaden? " Digg said confused 

Oliver nodded John started to stand 

"you're those vigilantes?"John said 

 John tried to punch Oliver, Oliver ducked John nearly fell holding onto a desk for support Oliver and i turned to face him,

 "Easy Dig,"Oliver said 

"You were poisoned" I said  

I put John on the table

 "We could have taken you anywhere could have taken you home we brought you here," I said

 "You really did lose your minds on that island," John said to us 

"Found a couple of things along the way" Oliver said 

"Like what weapons and defense classes?" John asked 

"Clarity" Oliver said 

"Starling City is dying it is being poisoned by a criminal elite, who don't care who they hurt as long as they maintain their wealth and power," Oliver said 

 "what are you gonna do take them all down by yourselves" John asked

" No" I answered 

"now we want you to join us special forces out of Kandahar its perfect you're a fellow solider" Oliver said 

 John scoffed 

"you're not soldiers you're criminals and murderers"John said  John struggled to stand and walked out

I was getting ready for the day, I was in the kitchen while Dad was making some coffee, the TV was playing,

Dad looked at the news,

"thank god we don't have to hear about that  awful man anymore," He  said I turned up the TV

"Declan's execution is set for midnight two days, from now camille Declan's former employer Jason Brodeur released a statement saying quote i hope this gives Camille the peace she deserves" The news lady said 

"what is this?" I asked

 "Camille's husband murdered her in their baby's room," Dad explained 

"Jason Brodeur?" I asked 

"The dead wife worked for Jason Brodeur?" I asked 

" Apparently so" Dad said 

"what...why" Dad asked

 I shook my head 

"no reason" I said smiling at him 

I kissed him on the cheek, 

"Have a good day daddy," I said walking out

I got to the lair talking with Oliver 

"they say Peter Declan murdered his wife in cold blood" Oliver said to me

" he had no alibi and all the evidence pointed toward him he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death and open-and-shut case except one thing" he said

"Let me guess.." I said 

"the guy that Declan's wife Camille worked for Jason Brodeur...his name is in your dad's book," I said 

 Oliver looked at me 

"Yeah take all the fun out of telling you something you don't know," He said 

 I smirked slightly

I was setting up my suit

 "Declan has always claimed he was innocent and i think he's right the odds are good that Brodeur is involved in this woman's murder which means an innocent man is facing execution" I said 

Oliver nodded 

"He'll need a good attorney" he said 

Laurel Lance I thought 

Laurel said that we needed a confession from Jason so i was getting it after dark suited up in his office, having my bow and arrows in hand 

"Jason Brodeur?" I said 

 "what do you want?" He asked  Jason asked 

"you're gonna confess that you arranged to have Peter Declan's wife murdered,"  I said 

"what so I can take his place in prison" Jason asked 

"You're not gonna kill me if I'm dead you've go no one to pin Camille's murder on you need me to exonerate Peter Declan maybe you could try to force me to sign a confession or something" He said 

I drew my arrow at him with the bow it hits into his hand pinning it to the wall making him scream in pain,

 "That might be a little difficult" I said 

 Jason's phone rings i walked closer pulling the phone out of his jacket pocket holding it toward him 

"Just answer it," I said  i answered the phone 

"what" Jason said

"It's Ankov it's going down one hour" The voice said 

I hung up the phone 

"whats going down in an hour?"I asked  Jason didn't answer 

"what?" I asked 

"Lets just say Peter Delcan's execution and the death of the lawyer that is breathing down my neck it's getting moved up," Jason said

I knew what he meant punching him in the face hard enough to make him fall unconscious pulling out my phone making the call to Oliver

 "Get to iron Heights now! Jason Brodeur is trying to have Peter and Laurel killed as of now!" I said 

The next day i was in the lair sitting at a table watching the News on the laptop seeing the police take Jason away

the headline Read:

Jason Bodeur Arrested- Peter Declan Freed

"At least five city and local agencies are seeking millions of dollars in fines and environmental cleanup costs from Brodeur Chemical in light of new facts the Brodeur chemical employee Camille Declan had discovered Brodeur was illegally disposing waste and had collected a file of evidence against her employer before her murder in 2007 Peter Declan who was convicted of killing his wife has been released and the case has been reopened" The news anchor said 

Oliver walked towards me I closed the laptop turning to face him in my seat 

"So?" I asked

 "Laurel's safe" he said

" Peter Declan is back with his daughter his family where he belongs" He said 

"you're welcome for getting the confession out of Jason" I said 

"Thank you Kaden, but you shouldn't have gone by yourself" he said 

I nodded

"Yeah well couldn't wait for you to arrive," I said 

I was sitting on my living room couch, 

When a loud bang was pounding on the front door, 

I opened it, It was John, 

"John?" I asked confused since I know he didn't agree with what me and Oliver were doing, 

"We've got a serious problem," He said 

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