Ch. 3 "Honor Thy Father"

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                                                Kaden POV

"It's fine, Walter, I've been in a courtroom before." I hear Oliver say  

Me and Tommy enter the room, Daddy said he would meet us at the courthouse,

"Four times by my estimate. You know, there was the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, stealing that taxi, which was just awesome, by the way, and who could forget peeing on the cop?" Tommy said 

I chuckled  

 "I wish everyone would." Moira said  

"I'd hang, but we're headed to court." Oliver said  

"I know, that's why I'm here. My best friend  and little sister are getting legally resurrected, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Tommy said 

 "Right. Okay." Oliver whispers 

 (normal volume to Thea) "What about you? " Oliver asked Thea 

We got out of the car and a bunch of press surrounded us, 

"Mr. Queen, Miss Merlyn can we get a comment, ? " The man said I felt myself stop breathing, Oliver leaned down whispering in my ear

"Breathe Ka, Breathe," He said 

I let out a breath

"...return to civilization after five years on a deserted island." A woman said  

"Can you tell us what happened on that island, Mr. Queen?  Miss Merlyn" A man said 

I squeezed Tommy's arm as I was holding onto it, 

"There was a storm. The boat went down, me and Oliver were the only survivors. " I said in a dull tone

A flashback of me almost drowning went through my mind, 

 "I almost died, I... I thought that I had, because I spent so many days on that life raft with Oliver before we saw the island." I said 

"When we reached the island I thought it was over" I said 

A flashback of me and Oliver crawling to the island I was couching Oliver was keeping me steady, 

"I wanted to die, But Oliver he kept me alive, and for those five years I owe him my life," I said dully 

 "Your Honor, we move to vitiate the death-in-absentia filed after Kaden's  disappearance at sea aboard the Queen's Gamut five years ago." The lawyer said 

"You did great," Daddy said kissing my forehead, 

I nodded 

Later me and Oliver were in the warehouse training, 

 "Martian Somers Laurel's targeted the worst of Starling City, so it's no surprise his name is on my father's list." Oliver said 

"The city's police and the D.A. can't stop him, or won't. Laurel thinks she's the only one willing to bring him to justice. She's wrong." Oliver said 

"So what are we going to do about it?" I said smirking at him

He walked off in his outfit, he normally wants me to stay behind with me being thirteen and all but sometimes I just don't listen, 

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