Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Surprise Attack

Richard's relationship with Daiya continued to strengthen with every day that passed, and within a week it became uncommon to see one without the other. Even during the between class breaks they would often find one another, usually with Daiya leaving most of her duties with the disciplinary committee to her second in command just so she could get away. She said it was so the third year girl could get some experience for when she became the head of the committee next year, but Richard wasn't totally buying it.

More and more it began to feel like they were a real couple, and not just a product of convenience or political ambitions.

What surprised Richard the most was their physical relationship. Their first time could have been written of as something that was necessary because it was their wedding night, but the second, third, fourth, and even fifth times were created by more than just that. It was something he had never thought about before they had gotten married. Well, sure he thought about it, but he never thought it would be like this. Back then he just didn't know how Daiya saw him, or how their relationship was going to play out; so he mostly thought that it would happen really only to produce children when the time came.

Boy was he wrong. The closer the two of them got, and the stronger their relationship became, the more and more the two of them took things to the next level. It just happened naturally too; maybe a little too naturally. They had been late to class twice because they lost track of time, and that class just so happened to be the one that his mother taught. Those had been slightly awkward affairs; once they showed up with red faces and out of breath that is.

As another week passed they began to get into a rhythm though, and being late for class or ditching their friends for a little alone time had stopped. With who they were supposed to be in front of everyone else they couldn't just become hermits and never leave their room, and the two of them quickly realized that. So they went about their days as normal, hanging out with friends, showing up for class on time, and even doing their homework together with everyone as a group. Once the sun had set and everyone went back to their own rooms that changed though. But that was a side of them that no one else ever needed to see.

However, the more time they spent together and the closer they got caused Richard to start thinking about all of their differences. It wasn't the fact that she was a real Princess and that he was not royal at all, or the fact that they were from separate worlds either; or at least not entirely. No, he began to wonder about their different races. He was human, while Daiya was an Elf. He really knew next to nothing about Elves, save for what he had learned from fantasy novels, movies, and television shows back on Earth; and he wasn't sure if any of that stuff was actually true or not when it came to his wife. He didn't know anything, and that was a major oversight on his part. So one evening, after Lythia, Sabina Lisbeth, and Karo had gone for the night, Richard decided to ask Daiya about it and learn something he should have enquired about a long time ago.

They sat on the couch in the large and comfortable common room, a roaring fire in the hearth crackling nicely as they cleaned up their parchment and quills after having done their work together. Daiya had just spent the better part of two hours trying to teach Richard her language without too much progress, and they were both ready to call it an early night.

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