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You're jacked if ya think
that's a good idea.

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After saying goodbye to Chuck, who wandered towards the toilets with his head hanging low (no doubt anticipating his job as a Slopper), I decided to walk towards the window Newt showed me the Griever in the first time I arrived. Through Chuck and I's conversation at lunch, I'd learned more about the Grievers than I thought there was to learn, though Chuck insists that there is much more to tell, although the Gladers won't share the information with him considering his age. Curiosity began to overwhelm me as I continued to listen to his ramblings about all he knows... which, as grandiose as it sounds, isn't actually a large amount.

I suppose I'll just have to speak to someone higher up.

Not even a moment later, a slumped figure comes stumbling into the Glade... straight from the Maze, igniting my inquisitiveness. However, before I can approach the Runner to question him, I'm startled by the call of my name.


I roll my eyes. What could this shank possibly want now? I turn around hesitantly: I'm really not interested in helping in the Gardens... and I'd finally been offered a break from the madness and a chance to collect my thoughts. However, I know that Alby would go ballistic if he ever found me 'slacking' without a valid reason, although I would argue that simply not wanting to is reason enough for me.

"Thought you said I wasn't gonna be in the Gardens again," I say as I approach the Keeper of the Track-hoe's and the Second in Command, my voice drooping in boredom.

Zart smirks as he pots a plant, digging his hands into the soil. At least someone's amused by my attempt at building. I, for one, am much less amused by his reaction. Zart should thank his lucky stars that I'm not a Slicer and have knives at my disposal every waking second of every day.

His tone of voice is casual, yet I can still tell he's mocking me. "Might as well do something since Gally told ya not to come back. Be back in a second. Gonna get some fertiliser."

Newt nods halfheartedly before continuing to tie wire around plants, keeping them upright.

"Alby's orders," Newt grumbles in an explanation, who looks just as thrilled as I feel.

"Sucks for you, then."

"You're not wrong. Now, are ya plannin' on bein' useful? Or are ya gonna stand there like a dumb shank?"

"But it's so much more fun to be a nuisance."

"You're doing a bloody good job of it."

"Thank you," I say as sincerely as I can manage. "It means a lot."

"Come on." He raises an eyebrow. I can't be bothered to argue with him anymore, so I walk over to him and watch how his fingers tie the wire. It now that I notice that his nails are barely existent, and there are calluses on his hands. After watching him for another moment, I get started on the wire across from his, replicating the exact same motion. It takes a minute to get the hang of it, but once I do, I'm tying them faster and faster by the second... although not as fast as Newt is.

"I have another question."

Newt sighs. "Oh bloody he—"

"Hey, Greenie!" Zart calls from a couple rows of plants away. "Come over here!"

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟 ᐅ 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙩 Where stories live. Discover now