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Try not to make a wall
fall on Captain Gally.

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A low voice echos through my dreamless sleep...

I'm sorry.

When I wake up, it's dark outside, and there's a blanket draped over me, which I'm pretty sure wasn't there when I went to sleep. The laughs of gladers ring in my ears, surrounding me in coziness and comfort. Maybe being here won't be so bad after all. I study the blanket, running my fingers over the soft fabric, trying to gage where it came from. I reluctantly push it off of me. It smells like greenery, like a forest, however there's a hint of vanilla.

It's Newt's.

Biting my lip, I think about the argument I'd had with Newt previously with regret. I shouldn't have pushed it like that. And he shouldn't have shouted. We're both not perfect. And we both have to say sorry, as much as we both don't want to. And this was his way of doing it. As I leave the hammock area, I see Newt walking away, his figure heading over to two others, disappearing as the warm light of the fire can't reach him anymore, confirming my suspicions. He put the blanket over me. I can almost hear his voice in my head again. I'm sorry.

I walk out from the trees and head over to where the fire is slowly dying, surrounded by Chuck, Jeff, Clint and Winston sitting on log seats. Before I sit down, Newt catches my eye. Even from here, I can can see his apology in his face. I nod back at him in understanding. I'm sorry too. He gives me a small smile before heading over to see Minho and a boy I think someone called Ben.

As I approach Jeff, he spots me first and raises his eyebrows. I nod at him, telling him I feel better before sitting next to Chuck, who beams at me. I love Chuck, he's been the only person here who I've immediately liked and trusted — he's the only other person that knows about as much as me.

"Nice sleep, Greenie? You looked like klunk before."

I laugh at him, "Thanks, Chuck. Means a lot that does."

Winston chuckles at me, and soon enough the five of us are laughing and chatting amongst ourselves. We talk about everything, and something takes me by surprise... they all love to gossip. I snigger when Chuck recalls the news that I missed.

"One of Gally's mates got caught stroking his—"

I practically scream in response, "I don't want to know!" They all burst out laughing at me and I scowl at Chuck. "I am a girl, here!"

"No way. Thought y'were a boy," Winston says.

"Slim it, Winston," I snap.

They all cheer when they realise what I said. I slap my hand over my mouth. "Greenie said it!" Clint laughs. They all hoot at me and I roll my eyes, stifling a laugh.

"S'all downhill from here, Greenie!" Jeff giggles, and gets up and runs around, spreading his arms wide.

"Oi, Jeff! You been drinkin'?" Minho calls out as Ben and Newt snigger at Jeff, who's currently making a loon out of himself.

"Only the satisfaction of knowing that she used glader slang!" Jeff calls running around in circles as we all laugh at him.

"I honestly don't know how you stand him, Clint," I say through my chuckles.

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟 ᐅ 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙩 Where stories live. Discover now