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Corea, 2021

King Corea's Palace.
8 am dining room.

"It's time to fulfill your duty as the Prince of Corea, Mino."

The handsome young prince Mino glances at his father, who sits far across the table from him. The King has started another long and tiring lecture at breakfast time for his defiant son, as usual.
Prince Mino sighs.

"Ye, Pyeha..." He says curtly without looking at his father, who is holding his mother's hand lovingly. It is the daily sight of his ever-in love parents, and the sulky son smirks as he chews the bread without enjoying it.

Now, Eomma...
It's your turn ...

"Minomi..." His mother calls him softly. Prince Mino lazily looks up and gazes at his beautiful mother, who smiles fondly at him. It is so easy for Prince Mino to guess how his graceful mother would try to bug him with the boring topic as well.

"Ye, Mama..." prince Mino smiles back at her, but his smile doesn't reach his sharp and beautiful eyes. This irritating 'duty' has been his most immense resentment for being a crown prince.

Queen Aera sighs; she knows well when her son doesn't like something. Prince Mino never hides things from anyone, including his parents. Her stubborn son is a blunt and honest person who will always act by his heart. This particular matter has been a pain in the ass for her family, especially her son.

"I know you don't like it when your father talks to you about this 'duty,' but you know how it is, Minomi..."

"Aigooo... Eomma! Could you stop calling me that? It sounds ridiculous now that I am twenty-seven going on twenty-eight! It's MINO!" Prince Mino glares at his mother and sips his sugar-free tea. He loses his appetite already when his father started to talk about his duty-the ridiculous responsibility of all.

"Adeul, I will not be saying sorry. But you need to know now..." King Young Ho tries to keep his patience over his defiant son. He knows that his son won't accept this delicate matter easily. Prince Mino has been avoiding the duty since forever.

"I don't think you need to say sorry, either, Abeoji." Prince Mino says curtly. He drops the bread to his plate and wipes his lips. He really doesn't feel hungry anymore.

"So you know... how wise of you, son. Now tell me, what is it that makes you think you cannot accept your one significant duty for your kingdom?" King Young Ho's voice sounds sharp now.

"I never say I can not, Abeoji. I only said I am not ready yet! Not now!"
Prince Mino's voice isn't softer either.
The two handsome men are scowling into each other's eyes sharply, challenging one another. Queen Aera glances at her husband as she clears her throat. The 'war' has started again.

"Not ready?? YOU SHOULD BE READY AT ANY TIME! You are almost thirty! And I am not going to be younger to reign this Kingdom!"
His father's voice booms and he isn't stopping there.

"Besides, I had given you too much time to play around with insignificant girls! It is time for you to settle down. It is your duty! And that's my order!" King Young Ho can't hold himself from yelling at his irritating son.

The crown prince sighs and glares at his father. Prince Mino tries to keep his patience and manner. He hates the duty even more now.

Queen Aera pats her husband's hand and smiles sweetly. She tries to ease her husband's growing anger. She knows this moment will lead to another bickering and arguing session between father and son.

"Aigooo... Can we have a peaceful breakfast just for today, Yeobo?" Queen Aera speaks softly at her upset husband. She gives her husband the sweetest smile that can melt any heart. Prince Mino snorts softly. Her mother has always been a nice and lovely wife to his fierce father.

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