Chapter 28: Spilling The Sauce

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Hello my lovely readers!! First of all, I would like to apologize to you all for being so inconsiderate. I have no excuses to give, except that life got in the way a little. Even now I'm kinda not in a situation to write but realized I shouldn't make you all wait any longer. Please shower more love on me and the story. I promise I'll try to be regular 😭

Lately, there have been a lot of ugly news and scandals doing rounds. I would like for us all to put them aside and shower our boys with all the love they deserve. I am not the kind of person to jump to conclusions or judge a person due to some rumors. They are rumors till they are proved otherwise. I wouldn't want to talk bad about a person to only realize he is good. I would much rather support them till it's proven they were in the wrong. Then I would not have had any regrets. Sorry for the long ass ranting. Let's move on.

Just a suggestion, please read the previous chapter once again to recollect what happened till now. Now let's get ittttt!!

Changbin's POV

I woke up to see Lix in my arms, cuddling me like a Koala. No wonder he's from Australia, I thought before tucking his hair behind his ear. The soft gush of wind through the open window of the room is ruffling his hair affectionately. His baby face, sprinkled with a lot of starry freckles does things to me I've never experienced before. His bed head is making me want to run my hands through his hair. I smiled to myself while running a finger along his jaw line which is sharp enough to cut right through my little heart. The heart that he had already captured with all his sweet gestures and bright smiles.

He slightly stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes lazily. He gave me a sweet smile, "morning hyung." I hugged him tight and wished him right back. "I do not want to get out of bed, Lix. This feels too good to be true. What if it all turns out to be a dream? A beautiful dream I would never want to wake up from?" I said pouting. He looked into my eyes and took hold of my chin in to his delicate palms. "This is real, hyung. It's happening. You better believe it before I kick you out of bed," he said making me wonder. "Huh!?" I said before realizing what he was doing.

He turned me around, lifted his right leg and literally kicked my ass; making me fall to the floor. "Yaaaah!!! That freaking hurts my butt cheek," I whined like a baby. "Really? Then what about all the times you made me suffer by being so oblivious to my feelings?" he said as a joke. However, it hit me hard. He might have seen the sudden change in the atmosphere. He immediately came up to me and helped me get up from the floor. "I'm sorry, Lix. I was such an inconsiderate idiot towards you and your feelings. All I thought of were my feelings and how it might effect our relationship. I was being so selfish because of which I've been such a pain in the ass. And you still look at me with so much love," I said with tears threatening to roll out of my eyes. He hugged me, "maybe it all happened for a reason hyung. I think it made us and our feelings for each other stronger."

Chan's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see the familiar surroundings of my room. Last night, I came to the dorm after talking to Minho in the treehouse. I'm not sure if I did wrong by leaving him there. I should have insisted on him coming back. But I was too shocked at what he said to even realize my actions at that time. I heard the room door next to mine creak, meaning Minho is at the dorm. Without thinking, I jumped off the bed and lunged towards the door. Upon opening my room door, I saw Minho in front of my room. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Hyung, I'm sorry! I didn't...." I pulled him into a hug, not letting him complete his sentence. "When did you come back? Are you okay? You know how worried I was?" I said not realizing that I was squeezing him in my embrace, a bit too much. "I... can't.... breath....!" he said making me realize. I immediately loosened my grip on him and he took a deep breath in relief.

After a while, he hugged me back. "Hyung, I should not have just blurted it out like that. I...." I cut him off. "Do you mean you should have kept me in the dark longer? Or that you shouldn't have said anything at all?" I questioned him angrily. "I know I don't deserve it but please forgive me hyung. I will do anything to make it better. Tell me what I should do," he said worried. "So you think you doing something will make this any better?" I said a bit hurt. "No no. That's not what I mean. Hyung, please don't misunderstand me...." he said with tears brimming in his eyes. "Oh shit Minho. I didn't think you would cry. Please don't cry. I was joking. I'm not at all mad at you," I said shocking him. "What? You are not mad at me? But I did... I mean... did you even hear what I said....?" he asked bewildered. "I know Minho. I have known about this for a long time now. I'm not as mad at you as I'm hurt," I said making his heart squeeze in pain. "Hurt because you haven't told me this sooner," I said clarifying my reasons. "You knew? All along? From when? What?" he asked bewildered.

Han's POV

"Can I take you out to dinner?" I asked Jeongin gathering all my courage. "Are you asking me out on a date?" he said raising his eyebrows making me even more nervous. "Maybe....," I said kinda stuttering. "Maybe?" he questioned back. "Maybe not I mean. I mean no. Just casually," I said earning a look of disappointment from Jeongin. "What else can I expect?" he muttered under his breath. "Yaah! What does that mean?" I half shouted. "Keep it down hyung. How can you ask Hyunjin hyung out if you are this nervous even with me? You gotta pick up your guts and just go for it," he said trying to encourage me, but all it did was make me even more miserable. "Hyung, he already likes you. You don't have to try this hard. I know you want to treat him well but he won't be expecting anything grand. Just go and tell him how you feel hyung," he said tapping my shoulder.

I finally gathered the courage and thought of following Jeongin's advice. So here I am, in front of Hwang Hyunjin's room. I knocked and waited for a minute before he came to open the door. "Han? What are you doing here? Do you need something?" he asked. "Can I come in? Need to talk. Nothing serious, don't worry." I said walking into his room. "Wait a minute, I'll use the rest room and be back." He went, not waiting for my reply. I was just looking around the room and saw his laptop. I went near it and saw some pictures of him. When clicking through, I came across a starred article. "12 best places to have a date? Wow! These are such huge places," I accidentally wondered out loud.

On hearing the bathroom door click, I closed the article immediately. I started walking out the room when I heard him say, "didn't you say you wanna talk?" "It was nothing actually. I was just wondering if we should order take out for dinner tonight since Minho hyung won't be cooking," I tried to make it sound casual. "Oh! That's all?" he asked puzzled. I just nodded and came out of his room. After getting into my room and shutting the door, I took a deep breath. "So he likes grand things... shitttt! I was about to listen to Jeongin. I would've messed it up," I said out loud. "Aaaaah! What to do now?" I screamed before falling on to the bed face down.

So that's the end of this long awaited chapter you all! Hope you all liked it and are a bit confused about things *wink wink Changlix*

What do you think is actually happening between Changlix? Are we missing something? How does Chan know? What does he even know? Did Minho get caught? How will Han deal with his little dilemma? Will he follow Jeongin's advice or would he try to cater to Hyunjin's whims? Lemme know I'm the comments. Stream Kingdom: Legendery War and support SKZ ❤️

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