Chapter 07

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It's been three days ever since Damon and I started doing our Accounting project, and for me, everything seems to be different and shocking, especially his behavior to me this past few days. He's been acting weird like last time. He asks me if I can stop wearing glasses and wear contacts. Why the hell should I do that for him!! But He keeps bothering me until I couldn't take it anymore and agree with him. As usual, my parent and Aris have been bombarding me with questions about why!!! He keeps giving me food that his fans give me. Would you believe that A scum and horrible person like him has fans? What is confusing me more is that for the past three days, I have never seen even the shadow of his group members / Friends.

I was just done attending three of my subject. Aris is at some company submitting his papers for his OJT next week, he will be swamped just like my other friend, so here I am, alone again. I was just busy walking cause I decided to go first to the library before going home. Our driver was supposed to be here an hour from now, so I still have a chance to check some books for our project.

"There you are!! I was trying to find you since earlier." Someone suddenly put his arms on my shoulder, which I quickly removed and turned around to see who is it.

"You!!!" I exclaimed at him, what is he doing here again? I quickly look around to see if his friend is here. Even though they have not been on sight for the past few days, I still can't lower my walls here.

"Woah!! Why so shocked? Are you still afraid that I might still do something to you? I told you already. I already instructed them to stop unless you anger me again, then I will start again." He said, then he laughs!!!

Gosh! This is the first time I am seeing him laugh like this. This is one of the things that I notice for the last three days. He's very different from that guy that threatens me before. Seriously?? Does this person have multiple personalities?? He is confusing me!!

"What are you doing here?? We didn't agree to meet today, right? Besides, I told you I could handle finishing my part. Then we can collaborate after." I said to him. He smirked at me then speak again

"And when did you heard me agree with that?? Yes! Weare already almost finished, but this is a group project. Did our professor speak anything about the individual part??" He said to me,

"But." I was about to speak, but he didn't let me finish

"Don't make me repeat myself, Ace! cause I'm someone who never wants to repeat myself" He sounded like he is warning me, which made me feel afraid again. It made me step back a little from him but shocked me next because he suddenly held my shoulder, making me look at him. We are so near to each other

"Please don't be so stubborn Ace, Just agree with me." He sounded so calm, which is so different from his stern and scary voice earlier. Who the hell is this guy?? I just nodded at him repeatedly then he smiled so widely.

"That's more like it." He said, then he put his hands into my head and brush my hair while smiling so widely at me what is happening to him. He is so different!!


We finally finish our discussion regarding our project.

"So our final title is Internal Control System In A Computerized Accounting Environment, do you think it is feasible? I'm afraid what if our professor Mae will make us create this system." I worriedly said to him while I was browsing our final proposal using my tablet. I was so busy when suddenly I felt him holding my hands, which made me look at him confusedly. He is acting weird. I don't understand him. I tried to pull away from my hands, but he just held it tighter.

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