Join the team

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Being trans and athletic is a losing sport. You can't play on the team you want to, and the team you "should" play on just makes you hate yourself. So I don't play sports.
School is hard as the only out trans kid, people aren't really a big fan of me. I'm normally off on my own, and as a first year I don't really know anyone.
It's lunch and I'm currently walking to try and find an empty space, along the way I end up crossing past the gym. It always makes me sad, knowing that I can't play just because of who I am. I didn't realize it but I had been standing there watching the team practice.
"Did you need anything" a sliver haired 3rd year asked breaking me out of my thoughts.
"W-what no, sorry I was just watching"
"Do you play!" A boy with orange hair popped out asking
" no , I'm not allowed"
"What do you mean your not allowed?" Said the silver guy again
"He's trans, they won't let him" wait, I recognize that voice... tsukishima? He's in my class.
"Why won't they let you play cause your trans?" The tangerine asked quietly
"It's just the rules" I notice that there are a lot of people in the guy behind them and quickly get nervous "Iv gotta go" and I run off to eat my lunch.

The next day I'm sitting in class when we break off for lunch finishing up some notes when Tsuki and his friend Yamaguchi move to sit with me.
"So do you play"
"Volleyball do you play"
" no, Iv never had the opportunity"
"Well you do now"
"Yeah why don't you come with us to the gym and we'll teach you the basics!" Yamaguchi had this hopeful and proud look in his eyes that it was hard to say no to.
Tsuki and Yamaguchi quickly stood up and started walking with me between them. How have I never noticed how tall they are before.
We move quick and by the time we get to the gym I see there are a couple other people in there, 3 third years, 2 second years, and 2 other first years.
"I didn't realize there would be so many people." I say quietly so only Tsuki and Yams would hear.
"It's ok, there not scary I promise"
"Oh hey guys" the silver haired boy for yesterday said. "I'm Suga, I'm the vice captain!"
"Hi suga sempi"
He went around introducing everyone, they all seemed nice but being trans in sports is dangerous, so I'm still a bit on edge.
He explained that has all heard that I had never been able to play sports, or to even have the opportunity, so they wanted to give me a lesson on the basics of volleyball and see if I liked it. I have to admit it's really exciting to be able to learn a team sport!
We spent the rest of that lunch going over all the basics, and I seamed yo pick up really fast, I had learned a bit of every position!
"That was impressive" the captain Daichi said to me
" it was really fun! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that"
" of course! Your a natural"
And for the next week I didn't really see them, I would say hi to them in the halls, and Iv talked to Tsuki and Yams in class.
But one day when I was heading out of class they grabbed me and started walking me in the other direction
"What are you doing??"
"Taking you to the gym." Tsuki said
"You'll see"
And so we moved to the gym and when we walked in everything felt tense, quiet. Daichi walked up to me with a big smile on his face.
"I'm sorry it took us so long (Y/N) but we had to have some technical conversations with the people in charge, and , well, they've decided that they'll make an exception for you. So welcome to the team, I'f you'll join of course!"
"Oh my god." I can't believe it, they're going to let me join, I'm actually going to be able to play sports, a real male volleyball player. "Yes. Yes!"
Cheers erupted from the rest of the guys, different ones coming up to congratulate me. Iv never felt like Iv had a place anywhere, but to know that they all put in the effort and the time to get me the opportunity to join the team. I truly feel like they've accepted me.

An: I'm not sure who the love interest is going to be yet! Might be Tsuki! Maybe Kennma or Kuroo! Let me know who you wanna see (y/n) end up with!

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