School ... School ... School ;-;

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Guess who's back , back again
Sam is back
Tell a friend :D
So heya , I'm here once again to tell you about my life ... I don't have one so it's basically impossible but still... Today was a kinda funny day tho C;
So we had this science test and everyone basically fucked it up really bad, so that's one thing.
Then after the test we went to our original classroom ( the teacher wasn't there yet so we could scream all we want) and a boy from my class goes like 'yeah *insert teachers name* wants us to shut up' and this one girl from my class goes like 'well , she can suck my ass' so everyone laughed their tits off.. But it turned out the teacher heard her 😂👌 so that was hilarious C:
Then the next period we had bio from the same teacher, and she told us to hand our phones over.. Like what the fuck ? So everyone did it and it was horrible :C

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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