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So hey...! I guess ... C;
So .. This is basically the first thing I've ever written so don't kill me for making any mistakes or stuff idk?
But let's start off with introducing myself because that's what 'normal' people do ( even though I'm not normal , I'll still do it..)
*stands up* Hi , my name is Sam and I'm a 14 year old girl with an Emo haircut and I obsess over way too many things ... Nice to meet you *shakes hand*
> I'm from the Netherlands so don't sue me if I make any mistakes
> I have an obsession with the walking dead like srsly it's taking over my life
> I have a crush on Norman Reedus ( he plays Daryl Dixon)
> my best friend calls me an 'emotionele kut' which means 'emotional cunt' she's so nice
> I like to draw even tho I suck balls at it
> I love ass , especially Normans ass ( it's a normal thang 😏)
> I also have a twitter so check that out ! @broxfanthony I'm rlly cool plz be my friend

So that's kinda it I guess? I'm reAlly boring I'm sorry

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