✿Death glares✿

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I made my way to class 1B as Nemi-san had said. After almost getting lost I found the big door leading there in front of me, "YAMA-SAN!!!!!!"


Isuzu POV

I saw Yama-san in front of the class he was teaching, but seeing him after such a long time was quite emotional. I would probably not admit it but I got that Midoriya tear gene too. I leapt in the confused Yama-sans arms, the same warm fuzzy feeling spread in my heart. Sure, I met Yama-san as a client but he was a very close friend of mine as well. 

When he finally processed what was going on he said, "ISUZU!!!!!! You're here, did I miss the surprise visit to Shota?" 

"Well yeah, but it doesn't really matter. I met him in the staff room when first came." 

Yama-san let me go and patted my head "Oh well that can't be helped! So how long are you here for?" He asked. 

Then I realized "Oh no! Sorry, I interrupted the class! Please carry on." I said. 

"It's ok. I was done anyway, little listeners do the revision assignment of the chapter and if there is any doubt just ask Vlad to call me for ya!" He told the students, started packing to go to lunch but some of them were still staring at me. 

"Yama-san, so how's it going? Got any new profiles for me?" I eagerly.

"Nah, not really." he said. 

'So, he does. That's the code for when we have gotten mission profiles, maybe I can go to Nezu later.... It's probably from the league of villains they seem to be too invested in this school, something is totally off about this.' I thought. "Oh well! so come with me Nemi-san and I were talking so I don't wanna leave her hanging." I said. 

"Yep, though, wanna introduce yourself to my students? It is kinda rude you popped in out of nowhere." Yama-san said laughing.

"Oh my god, yeah. Sorry about that kids! I'm Isuzu Midoriya."

"Wait, are you related to Midoriya from class 1A?" A girl with orange hair tied in a side ponytail asked. 

"You're right, Izu's my brother! what's your name dear?" I replied

"Itsuka Kendo!" 

" I didn't know you were Midoriya's sister, but I can see the resemblance now that you mention it." Yama-san commented. 

A blonde haired kid stood up and started.... monologuing, "So, you are related to one of the inferior class 1A's student. You should know that we are much stronger than they are and they can never surpass us, we are the best class in the hero course. WE ARE CLASS 1B-"

His speech was cut short by Kendo knocking him out, "Sorry for that, Midoriya-san." she bowed. 

"It's no big deal, I like his spirit though. Keep it up! Don't think that just because someone is getting the spotlight now, can have it forever!" I said, all of the class acknowledged it by big smiles on their faces, "Also, you having healthy competition is good but next time you insult Izu, I will not let it go." I added.

(This is not how she is looking like I this scene but I thought it would be hilarious to draw her with a knife so here we are XD)

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(This is not how she is looking like I this scene but I thought it would be hilarious to draw her with a knife so here we are XD)

Class 1B shivered under my death glares until I changed my mood and took my leave. 

"Bye Yama-san and Class 1B! ヾ(•ω•)o" I said. 

The whole class made a mental note 'Don't mess with Isuzu Midoriya.'


Izuku POV

As I finished my Katsudon, I thought 'what is nee-chan doing right now? hmm...' 

Shinsou-kun returned to his class, waving to us. 

The dekusquad too went to class 1A. I stepped in class but I got a text so I stepped back out to check it. 

"3 messages from NEE-CHAN!"

It read: (The bold is Izuku typing)

Hii, I'm not disturbing you right?
I wanted to know where All might is rn,
Pls tell ('・ω・')?

Oh, he's in the room near Principal Nezu's office on the 5th floor
.....Are you going to tell him that you know? 

Yea,  Cya. ( ̄0 ̄)ノ

Bye nee-chan (○'・д・)ノ


Words: 671

Suprise chapter!!! We hit 200 reads thank you so much luvs!!!  Anyone wondering 'what does Isuzu do exactly?' Comment below what you think, check if you got it right in the next chapters. Bye!

See you in 'Reveal of the secret'

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