Chapter One: Flash into the past

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*Wynter's pov*

It's been three months that I haven't been able to see or talk to my brothers. Father said that he gave them his phone number to the house but they haven't contacted me. It makes me think that they actually don't care about me.

Sadly, I forgot my phone that night that I left them in California. Now I lived in the city that never sleeps, New York. I don't see what's the big deal about this place. It's always busy and loud, full of people and I'm not a fan of here. Everything is so foreign to me and I absolutely know no one.

My step mother, Angelica is a homophobic prick. She treats me as if I'm her slave. Sure her son and daughter are actually nice people but they never really bothered with me but themselves.

My father is still his twisted self that I'm scared of. He still treated me the same, making me feel disgusted with myself. I have no one to run to and it makes me feel utterly alone.

I started school yesterday and it was dreadful. I almost almost asked my father to let me be homeschooled but it was my only escape. So, I'm going to take advantage of it.

Today was just dad and I. Angelica and her kids went to visit their grandparents in North Carolina for a few days. Meaning that I had the whole three day weekend with the cold hearted monster.

He ended up beating me because I forgot to wash the dishes. My body aches but since when does he ever care? Therefor, he still took advantage of me.

The three days were dreadful. I was glad, beyond glad that the three of my step family came back.

When it was time for school again, I was still alone but I was able to have a six hour breather. Those six hours were mostly the high light of my day, for all of my school days. Sometimes I would make up excuses and say I have to work on a project so that I would be able to stay away from him.

One day I met Seth. He was nice and I found him to be someone who can actually put a small smile on my face and let me pretend that everything was okay for a little while.

As the months went on, Seth and I just kept on getting closer until he kissed me one day. He poured out his feelings he had for me and I happily returned them.

But of course I wasn't lucky.

Seth had anger issues, something he hid from me. When we would get into fights he would hit me and apologize right away. But of course I was twisted in some kind of way. I would forgive him because I loved him.

But the longer we started dating, the more his colors showed. He wasn't perfect. But who is? Sure, I would get bruises from him, we would have sex when he wanted it and I had to do everything he said but that was all okay. I love him.

Father wouldn't notice anything he gave me because he also hurts me too but what he doesn't know is that I have a boyfriend. How would he feel if he knew I was gay? What would he do? What happens if he finds out that I have a boyfriend, an abusive one at that?

One day Olivia, Angelica's daughter, saw me without a shirt on. I was getting dressed after taking a shower and she accidentally walked in. She gasped and her widened quickly. She immediately asked me what happened and of course I had to lie to her.

I told her I was getting bullied at school. Obviously she believed me and was going to go tell my dad but I told her not to worry about it. I said that I now have a friend who took care of everything and that'll I'll be fine. She was sceptical but she let it go.

Moving to New York was a terrible thing that has ever happened to me. Not only am I stuck with my father but I'm stuck being in love with an abuser.

But one thing is for sure, I really miss my annoying big brothers.

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