Chapter 32

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You and Nat sat on a bench a few meters away from the tower, unsure of what was happening inside. Nat held your hand gently and you were grateful for her gesture, although you sat in silence.

"Look its Black Widow and The Sorceress!" A little boy was tugging on his mothers hand pointing at the two of you. She knelt down beside him, talking to him. He ran up to the two of you with his mothers phone in hand. You agreed to take a photo with him and his mother thanked you before walking away with her child.

"I've always wanted children" You spoke softly to Nat who smiled.

"I never gave it much thought" She looked down. "But I'm sure that you would make a great parent".

Cap exited the tower and jogged towards the two of you, shield in hand.

"I think its safe to go in now, Tony has calmed although Loki is missing".

"Loki's missing!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, he teleported away just moments ago".

"This could have all been avoid, god the testosterone in that tower will be the death of us" You were furious about Tony's outburst, although his intentions were good you couldn't quite forgive him yet.

Stepping back into the living quarters it was a mess. Rubble littered the floor and the wall charred from Tony's suit. Thor was pacing around the room swinging Mjölnir, Clint was collecting broken glass and discarding them into the bin, Bruce was absent. Wanda and Vision were talking in the corner looking tired and Bucky was giving Tony a death stare. Tony was sat on one of the ruined sofas looking out the window.

You stopped and Nat gave you a little shove to get you moving again. Bucky approached you and placed his non mental hand on your shoulder.

"It will blow over, if they are willing to forgive my past, they will forgive Loki and yourself. Besides, you are alright in my book" He walked out of sight not waiting for your reply.

"I'm going to look for him" You said making everyone stop what they were doing and look at you.

"Yes, that will be wise Lady Y/N, Please comfort my brother" Thor bowed his head to you. Tony scoffed and adjusted his position.

"You got something you want to say Stark?" You could hear traces of Loki in your speech. "Or have you already said everything" He didn't respond. Turing on your heels you went to see if Loki was in his room.

It was vacant, all of his belongs remained so he hadn't left for good. You walked around his room, tracing your fingers along the spines of his books, you missed him.

A small cough snapped you back to reality and your eyes focused on a tall, slim figure. Moving your head to see clearly you noticed it was Loki. He had serval small cuts engraved on his face and a bruise lay on his cheek.

"Let me have a look" You bought your hands up to touch his face, he flinched but eventually he allowed you to touch him. "I'm so sorry Loki, I didn't mean for this to happen".

"I know, It was Tony" He looked you in eye. You took his hand and led him to his bathroom. Wringing out a warm flannel you asked him to sit down. Slowly, you dabbed his wounds. He placed his hand over yours and grazed your lips with his. "Thank you" He whispered.

"Bucky said this might blow over in a couple of days, till then I suggest we lie low" You spoke while lying on Loki's bed. He remained standing, unable to sit still.

"I should go back out there and finish the damn job" He looked angry.

"Loki, no. That will solve nothing and you know it".

"He tried to hurt you Y/N, I cannot stand by and let this happen!" He stared to appear blue, letting his illusion slip.

"Loki" He glanced down and covered the blue back up again. "Sit" You instructed.


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The next few days were awful. It appeared Nat, Bucky and Thor had completely forgiven you, Cap and Clint were distant but remained friendly, Bruce, Wanda and Vision acted like nothing had happened but Tony, he didn't utter a word to you. He would leave as soon as you entered the room.

Loki didn't show himself for days, it seemed he was either too angry or to vulnerable. You spent much time together from that day on, getting to know each other better.


"Avengers, meeting in five" Tony used Jarvis to alert everyone. You and Loki both got to your feet and arrived in the meeting room. You were the last two there and all eyes were fixed on you. Once seated Loki gave you an unnerving look.

"So , I have called you here to discuss... them" He pointed at you and Loki but refused to look at you both. You could feel the embarrassment running to your cheeks. "While I can not condone whatever you are doing, Y/N are you happy?"


"Then I guess that's the main thing".

"Listen, I know Loki has wronged you all in the past, but he is changed. Thor told us that himself. He has done nothing to have caused a problem while he has been here, he's trained me in magic, he has been there for me... I love him" You trailed off towards the end.

"I truly mean no harm, I trust Y/N with my life and believe me that is a rare occurrence. I have become very found of her as you are all now aware. I would give my life for hers, is that not enough?" He directed his question to Stark who finally made eye contact with him.

"One foot out of line and I swear to god. You break her heart, I break your face!"

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