Heart's Content

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(Prompt 1: Write a story based on Mayu's song "An Earnest Unrequited Love Wishing to Make it Bear Fruit")
You(Pretend you are a boy)
No one wants to be lonely. You know that. So, you transferred schools, changed your appearance and decided to be nice to everyone. People were jealous, but you had friends, and now, you have even more friends.

You are chatting with a couple of friends during P.E., the last subject of the day. You make a funny joke, and everyone laughs. You hear a distant laugh. Weird. You weren't being that loud. This feeling, though, has been with you constantly. As if someone is watching and listening to you. Strange. But not. You wave off the feeling and act normal.

(Insert girl name), the prettiest girl in your grade walks up to you. "Hi, (YN), how are you?"

You smile, noticing her blush, and respond. "Good, but not so sure about you. Make sure you don't have a fever."

Everyone laughs, including (GN). Except for you. You feel as if someone is angry and sad with you at the same time.

At that moment, a volleyball is sent over the net. You hit it perfectly, earning cheers from your friends. P.E. soon ends.

You hope the feeling of being observed will leave you as you walk home, but nope.

You run to your house, and then into your room, with only a shred of security.
Mayu POV
I watched as he ran into his house. Ah, he's so cute. He's so nice even to the other girls......

Wah! Why does he want them when he has me?!? Enraged, I run home, where my nobody greets me as I excuse myself to my room. My house is so empty, so lonely. I run into my room, and enter the pass code to my computer. What was the name of (GN)'s blog again.....Oh yeah, it was (insert blog name). I scroll down her blog to the comment section. Ah, she should feel lucky. I'm only posting 100000 hate comments on her blog.

Phase 1: Psychological murder, begin.
2nd POV
You hurriedly grab a piece of toast for breakfast and run out the door, hoping you can make it to the train station on time. By the time you reach the station, you just barely made it, you are out of breath.

Out of the corner of your eye you see (GN). She appears disheveled. Her eyes are puffy, her hair unbrushed, and the light has left her. You walk up to her. "Are you okay?"

She fakes a smile and responds, "Yeah, my blog got 100000 comments yesterday! II'm so happy!"

You are skeptical, but another sensation distracts. As if an ice cold dagger has shot through the back of your head, you feel the sensation of watching.

But you go through the day.
Mayu POV
I see (GN) during P.E. She is upset and depressed. Good. My plan is working. I also see a slit on her wrist. She is a lot easier to break than the others!

I see she reminds of myself I don't know why. The teacher calls for all of us to be placed on teams of two. And I'm placed with her. She smiles feebly at me and attempts to initiate conversation. "Hello, my name is (GN), what's yours?"

I eye her. "Mayu, and you look terrible. What happened?"

She loses her smile. "Last night I got 100000 hate comments. They were so mean and untrue. I have no one to talk to about it. My friends gossip about me behind my back, and would tell the whole school, and I have no parents."

Her situation is so similar to mine! "Hey, you can talk to me! II'll be your friend!" Where did that come from?

She brightens. "Really, oh thank you!"

She is so adorable. Why should I rid society of someone as great as her?

I devised a new plan.
2nd POV
You are sitting in the park, exhausted. It is night, and you just had an argument with your family.

You hear footsteps, and a figure approaches in the moonlight. Light shines from an axe. "I hope there are ladies and wi-fi for you in the underworld!"

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