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"Narcissa! Come on! Practice starts in 10 minutes!" Valerie called out as she looked at her watch.

"I am coming!!" Narcissa dabbed a smidge of red lipstick to stain her lips. She smacked them together, ogling her reflection one last time before she gave herself a nod of approval. She exited the girls' dorm and headed towards the common room.

Valerie's eyes widened at the sight of Naricssa before she laughed. "Is there a reason you are rocking that little pink skirt?" she raised an eyebrow.

Narcissa grinned. "No reason, I just thought it was a cute outfit..." she lied. Valerie felt extremely underdressed compared to her friend. She was in a pair of blue jeans, Eddie's oversized jumper, and sneakers. Meanwhile, Narcissa wore a fitted white knit sweater, a short pale pink pencil skirt, and a pair of flats.

"Yeah, right! Come on!" Valerie took Narcissa's hand and ran to the Quidditch Pitch from the common room.

The chilly November air nipped at Narcissa's face when she stepped out of the castle. The weather had been outcast for a while. Fog covered the grounds, and the same air shook leaves from mighty branches, parachuting them onto the ground.

As they walked to the Pitch, Narcissa and Valerie crunched leaves of orange, crimson, and gold beneath their feet.

Lucius sat in the locker room listening to Craggy and his new strategy. He would usually pay attention, but he could no longer stand Stuart. He pointed mental daggers at him, and in his head, he rolled his eyes at every plan he suggested.

Still, quidditch was dear to Lucius' heart. It was his little way of rebelling against his stern father, who always thought it was a waste of time. Lucius escaped to his thoughts, wondering how different it would have all been had his mother been around. Would she have supported him? Would she talk his father into letting him enjoy the little things he did? Unfortunately, he never knew the answers to any of those questions.

He never knew what having a mother meant. His own passed away while giving birth to him, and despite his father hiding it so well, Lucius knew that he sometimes felt like he was the cause of his mother's death.

He had only heard stories about how much of a loving man Abraxas was when Lucinda was around. Still, Abraxas cared for Lucius deeply and wanted nothing but the best for him by his standards. That meant grooming him to be the Malfoy heir he was destined to be. Lucius grew up with a governess and a nanny. He rarely interacted with other children except at the social events held by the higher echelon. He had met Narcissa and her family there, and once upon a time, they were friends. But things changed when they got into Hogwarts.

Lucius was immediately popular. Students already knew who he was and how much wealth and power he possessed, which completely repulsed Narcissa. It didn't help that girls swooned over him, and guys hyped him up for his quidditch skills.

Narcissa. Lucius thought of her again whenever he looked at Stuart's complacent face. As if he was any better?

"Lucius? You are the chaser; what do you think?" Stuart's calm voice called out.

"Hm?" Lucius shook his head as he returned to the present moment.

"You alright, Malfoy?" Sharon Williams, one of the beaters, asked.

"Yeah, let's do this!" replied Lucius. He had no clue what they were on, but he managed to pick up their strategy from the board.

The squad put on their gear and strapped into their uniforms. Lucius grabbed his broom and made it out to the field. Mist brushed against his face. He heard a high-pitched voice call out his name, and he squinted to make out who it was in the distance. He didn't need to look further to know it was Heather. Sitting on the bleachers, he barely saw her in her burgundy sweater dress.

Beyond a Constellation (A Lucissa Fanfic) (Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now