Game, Set, Match?

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By the seventh period, all the 6th years learned about Heather and Marlow's break up. Marlow wasn't exactly glum about it, but it upset him how someone can be so irrational like this.

Students scrambled the hallways as they made their way to their classrooms. On the other hand, Lucius leisurely strolled to Charms before Eddie Greengrass caught up with him.

"Plan is set...I told Heather you were interested in her..." Eddie said as he draped his arm around his taller friend.

Lucius stopped, "Heather Dixie? Isn't she dating that nitwit Augustine?"

"Not anymore. She literally just dumped him and probably needs a nice set of broad shoulders to cry on..." Eddie nudged him.

"I still don't know why she went after him..." Lucius cringed at the thought of Marlow, "Did she buy into it?" Lucius asked, waiting for the answer intently.

"Are you kidding me? I swore I saw sparks light in her eyes! Who wouldn't want you!" Eddie smacked Lucius' chest.

A proud smirk crept across Lucius' face, and he suddenly felt large."You are right..."

"So, you flaunt around with Dixie, and Narcissa will pay attention to you in no time!"

"Are you sure? What if she ends up falling in love with me? I mean, come on..." Lucius bragged, still inflated by his friend's words.

"Get over yourself, Malfoy!" Eddie shook his head.

A rush surged through Lucius; he had only imagined the bitter look on Narcissa's face when she spotted him with Heather. "So this is really happening?"

"Trust me! Heather is super popular and hot, which means all the girls hate her. Ironically, that's how their gender functions..." Eddie cracked up.

"Right..." Lucius raised his eyebrow, unsure of that statement, before he shook it off.

"Before Dinner, slide over to the Hufflepuff table and make your move! But make sure Narcissa is watching..." Eddie instructed.

"Is Valerie in on it?" Lucius asked,

"No! She will kill me! But I got your back, don't worry!" Eddie whispered, assuring his friend.

"Alright..." Lucius agreed. He puffed up his chest once more, feeling confident of his friend's new plan. If Narcissa liked him, this was a surefire way to tell, and he couldn't wait till dinner.

The final bell of the day chimed. Again, the halls were filled with students who dragged themselves to the Great Hall for their last meal. Narcissa sat beside Valerie, who Eddie soon joined.

Ed usually had his hands all over her by dinner, but tonight was different. He seemed a little scattered, looking around and biting his lip nervously.

"Are you alright, Eddie?" Valerie put a hand on his thigh.

Ed jumped and turned to her, "Yea..Yeah! Just exhausted today..." he lied.

Once he spotted Lucius making his appearance, he immediately puckered up, sitting straight.

He watched him strut through the narrow runway that separated the Slytherin table from the Hufflepuff, right towards Heather, who was fluffing her dark curly hair. She couldn't help but make sure she looked good, especially after learning from Ed that Lucius Malfoy was 'interested' in her.

Lucius snuck from behind her, bringing his lips close to her ears.

"Word on the street is you finally dumped that loser Augustine..." he whispered,

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