Chapter 8

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Pudge's POV (Bc we all know Pudge sells fudge 😂)

We stepped into the control room to find CoRaN (I- I'm just gonna leave it like this, stupid autocorrect) slumped against the controls.

"CORAN!" I shout running over to him. There was a lump on his head obviously from where he hit his head on the control panel.

"Wha- QUIZNAK! Lance?! Come on Number 3! Where are you?" Coran jumps up surprising me so much I fall backwards. I hear footsteps and a metal arm helps me up.

"What's wrong Coran?" Shiro says letting go of my arm.

Allura runs in, followed by Hunk "Yes what on Altea is wrong?"

"Lance. Where is he?" Coran asks his eyes flitting around the room worriedly.

"What do you mean?" Keith asks.

"We though he was with you?" I say, somethings not right.

"Oh no." Coran turns almost white. "He- oh no....."

"What is it Coran?" Hunk says frowning.

"They took him. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them." Coran says tears brimming. I feel Keith stiffen beside me.

"Who?" He asks. But I don't think anyone needs to be told who has taken Lance.

"Haggar." Coran whispers.

Oh no. This is very bad.

*Meanwhile on a Galra ship*

3rd POV

"Hello Blue Paladin!" Haggar says as Lance wakes up.

"What do you want?" He asks and wrinkles his nose causing the blue plaster with a dinosaur on it to fall off onto the floor revealing a small scratch from when Lance was 7 and decided it would be a good idea to slide around the corridors of the castle using his socks and then tripped falling into his face cutting his nose on a cracked floor tile. Keith and come running after him and given him hugs after that. Lance snaps out of the flashback when he hears Haggar mention Keith.

"What was that?" He asks.

Haggar sighs "Stupid child! You should learn to listen!" And with that she shoots purple lightning at him. He screams in pain. The lightning lasts for about 30 minutes. Or at least that's what it feels like for Lance but in reality it was only a few minutes.

"Now lets have a chat with your friends shall we?" Haggar asks a creepy grin set onto her face. Lance can only whimper in return. Haggar clicks a few buttons and then the Paladins of Voltron appear on the screen. Lance can tell she is deliberately standing infront of him. He wants to scream and shout to let his friends know he's there. But he can't his 9 year old body can't muster up the strength to yell, his sight is slowly fading away as black dots cloud his vision. He tries to fight them but he can't and with that he falls into the dark abyss that is his mind.

A/N TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!! GO ME!! Hope u liked this chapter!! Another cliffhanger hehe 😈 I am aiming to post another chapter today but if I don't sorry! Anywho I'm going to write more!!


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