Chapter 2

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No One's POV-

Keith walked into the room with Lance. Lance stared in awe at everything because baby's have stronger feelings than teens and adults. Keith smiled a bit and the other Paladins noticed and Pidge chuckled at the sight.

(A few moments later)

Lance starts crying and a smell comes off of him.

"Shiro!!" Keith calls having no idea what to do. Shiro comes in and asks what happened. Keith tell shim Lance is crying and he has no idea what to do.

Shiro takes Lance, "I'll be back he probably has a dirty diaper."

Keith stands there dumbfounded. Lance cried more when taken away from Keith, yelling "Keef!" Shiro keeps trying to calm him down by telling Lance he will be able to see him again. Keith feels bad for Lance for some reason, but he has no idea why. While Keith was lost in his train of thought, Shiro comes back with Lance.

"KEEF!!" Lance screams, giggling and reaches out to him when Shiro isn't even close to Keith and Lance almost falls out of Shiro's arms.

"Be careful buddy!" Shiro says as he holds onto Lace trying not to let him fall. Keith takes Lance from Shiro. Lance snuggles into Keith, laying his head on Keith's shoulder. Keith takes Lance tot the lounge and Keith sat on the sofa laying down holding Lance and soon they both were asleep.

A/N Here is the second chapter 1 to go before I posted some of my own writing xx

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